International Artist – August-September 2019

(Barré) #1

Once the darks are put down, I begin
applying paint from the focal point
out. In this particular painting, the river
leads the viewer to the pile of boulders
at the base of the mountain and
directly to the paintings primary focal
point. Once the focal point has been
established, I put most saturated color
against unsaturated color and hard edge
to draw the viewers eye to that spot, I
will continue the piece working from
the focal point out. This enables me to
continue to compare every stroke that
is laid down on my canvas, ensuring
that nothing will “compete” with the
primary focal point, i.e., no color will be
as saturated, no edge as hard and no
conflicting areas to draw one’s eye away
from this primary point of interest.
During the second step, I lay in the darkest “darks” in a transparent wash. As I lay
down paint from this point forward I am always aware of how it compares to what
colors I have previously painted on the canvas. Creating my paintings is a constant
exercise in comparing, light versus darks, thin versus thick paint application,
saturated versus unsaturated colors, hard versus soft edges, and so on. I believe
that “energy and life” found in my paintings are created through these contrasts.

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