Horoscope Guide – October 2019

(WallPaper) #1

OCTOBER 2019 37

sextile already noted, Elsie Wheeler

had Neptune and Pluto conjunct her 1st

house cusp. Her Moon at 29 Pisces, a

sign associated with psychic abilities,

indicated the depth of her insight, and

shows she came naturally to her inner

“sixth sense.” Jones’ Sun at 8 Libra was

conjunct Elsie’s Venus, giving the two

of them a deep bond, and the ability to

work together harmoniously.

Marc Edmund Jones’ quest to find

new concepts and methods that could

be applied to astrology, went beyond

the Sabian Symbols. He formulated

the idea that the horoscope chart itself

contained many astrological patterns

that could be interpreted through their

shape. He felt that the way the planets

and the Sun and the Moon were placed

in the chart responded to seven concise

patterns, which he named the bowl, the

bucket, the bundle, the locomotive, the

seesaw, the splash, and the splay. In the

first astrology class I ever took, in the

1970s, the instructor taught us about

the chart patterns of Marc Edmund

Jones, which seemed to make good

sense. Even for the modern student

learning astrology in the Internet Age,

with its ever-changing ideas, there

is something to be said for studying

Jones’ solid work.

Saturn-Neptune and You
Now let’s take a quick look at what

the Saturn and Neptune sextile might

bring to you and your life in October

and November of 2019.

Aries: You may be ready to put old

memories of past unpleasantness with a

key figure in your life to rest, once and

for all, as you move on both mentally

and emotionally.

Taurus: A new-found discipline can
help you to achieve a cherished goal,
one that you had previously consigned
to the back burner.
Gemini: Disagreements with loved
ones over money will be much easier
for you to resolve, with exact solutions
depending on both cleverness and
Cancer: Your love for your own
backyard will be challenged by a need
to see the wide world that exists outside
your home.
Leo: A minor health issue may
be resolved through the use of an
alternative therapy, but only if you are
brave enough to give it a try.
Virgo: Use your imagination! A
creative dry spell is likely to be broken,
filling you with artistic inspiration.
Libra: The way you view your daily
job could change considerably, as you
decide to make it your first priority
when you look for advancement
Scorpio: A lover may become more
responsible and dedicated, both to you
and to the relationship you share.
Sagittarius: You might discover that
you have either money you didn’t know
about or an unsuspected talent you can
tap into for fun and profit.
Capricorn: A new and alluring
vibration may surround you, giving
you an irresistible look that brings you
more than a few new admirers.
Aquarius: The desire to go on a
spiritual journey may bring you down
an unusual path, as you consider a visit
to an ashram or a stay at a monastery.
Pisces: A new urge to get down to
business will not only surprise your
friends and family, but it could amaze
you as well! P
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