36 Horoscope Guide
Jones and Wheeler
Marc Edmund Jones was born on
October 1, 1888, in St. Louis, Missouri,
at 8:37 a.m. He had a varied career
during the course of his long life,
which ended at the age of 91 on March
5, 1980. Jones left high school before
obtaining his diploma, yet he worked
as a screenwriter in Hollywood, helped
set up the Screen Writer’s Guild,
became a Presbyterian minister, and
led a parish for five years, among many
other accomplishments. In later life he
was able to attend Columbia University
and study for a degree in philosophy,
for which he received a PhD.
He first became interested in the
study of astrology in 1913, and he went
on to teach and lecture on the subject
as well as to write numerous astrology
books, including The
Guide to Horoscope
Interpretation, How
To Learn Astrology -
A Beginner’s Manual,
and The Sabian
Symbols of Astrology.
As a Libra with a
Scorpio Ascendant,
he was able to use
his good mind to get
to the bottom of any
topic that interested
him, and he wasn’t
afraid to break new
ground, or to try
out new thoughts
and ideas, even if
they seemed to be
unorthodox to others.
His fabled work
with Elsie Wheeler
took no more than a
single day in 1925, when the two got
together in the Balboa Park area in
San Diego. He had begun the session
with 360 blank cards, one for each
of the 360 degrees of the zodiac. On
the back of each one he had written
down a sign and degree in random
order, and Wheeler would look at it
and then describe her vision of the
degree, which Jones would write on
the card, along with various thoughts
he had about the symbol at that time.
This became the basis for a very large
book, which was not published until
- Wheeler’s singular contribution
on that day in 1925, which provided
the core around which that book was
later built, died at the age of 51, in
Aside from her Saturn-Neptune