LOVE THEM OR loathe them,
subs to digital services —
music and TV streaming, but
also apps — are becoming
more common. You might already have
several of them that you use only on your
iOS devices: extra iCloud storage, Apple
Music, and recurring payments for third–
party apps you need.
What’s worrying about them is that it’s
easy to lose track of what you’re paying
for and by what means. Apple’s platform
doesn’t send you a single itemized bill
each month that lists all your outgoings
paid through it. So you need to know
where to look in iOS and online to keep
an eye on what you’re shelling out for.
Even if you have no interest in
subscribing to Apple Music, knowing
where to look will be even more
important if you plan to try any of Apple’s
other upcoming subscription services that
are coming later this year: Apple News+,
Apple TV+ and Apple Arcade.
When you’re Ľnished checking your
spend on subscriptions, consider setting
Manage your subscriptions
Keep on top of your monthly and annual spend on digital services
up Family Sharing. If you plan to pay for
Apple News+ and have other members in
your immediate family who are interested
in it too, turning on this feature will save
you money because only one of you needs
to pay.
That’s on top of the other helpful
money-saving and productivity beneĽts
that Family Sharing delivers. (Check out
the Jargon Buster on the opposite page.)
An Apple ID, iOS 12 (some
features work in earlier
How to set up and manage
Apple Music, Family
Sharing and
app subscriptions
15 minutes
Where you subscribe within an app, as with Dropbox,
the subs are manageable from one place in Settings.
94 AUG 2019 Image rights: Apple.