HOW TO Manage Apple and app subs
App subscriptions
Third–party apps can offer various kinds
of service as a sub — Dropbox, say. If you set up
one within its app originally, not on its website,
it should be listed here — and can be cancelled
from the options shown after you tap it.
Paying for iCloud space?
If you’ve raised the storage limit on
your iCloud account, the recurring payment for
it isn’t listed in the same place. Go to Settings
[your name] > iCloud, tap Manage Storage
near the top, then tap Change Storage Plan.
Outside Apple’s control
Subs bought by other means aren’t
shown here, and likely won’t in their app either.
Inspect your bank account; manage payments
on corresponding sites, like
com for Google One cloud storage (as shown).
Reduce iCloud spend
Tap Downgrade Options to reduce your
monthly iCloud bill. If you pick a lower tier than
can hold your current data, iOS warns (when
you tap Done) to either pick a higher tier or
delete some iCloud data before a certain date.
Family Sharing is an iCloud
feature that enables up to
six family members, each
with their own Apple ID, to
share past iTunes and app
purchases and a News+
subscription. Find out how
to set it up at
Starting a trial to Apple
Music or Apple News+
requires a payment card
or PayPal account to be
set up in Settings > [your
name] > iTunes & App
Stores > [your ID] > View
Apple ID > Payment Info.
Check how you’re billed
Not sure whether you pay for a
subscription through your Apple ID? The first
place to look is Settings > [your name] > iTunes
& App Store. Tap your Apple ID there, then View
Apple ID. Scroll down to and tap Subscriptions.
Manage Apple subs
The subscriptions you’re most likely
to see on this page are those for Apple’s own
services, specifically Music and News+. Tap
a service to (where applicable) adjust your
price tier, or to cancel the service.
How to do anything on your Mac, iPhone & iPad
Image rights: Apple. maclife.comAUG 2019 95