Muscle & Fitness UK – August 2019

(lu) #1


6 Reasons Your Back Workout Lacks!

Want a back to leave the rest behind? Implement these
top 6 tips to build size and shape and improve posture.

1) Your technique is wrong

When working on back days there are other muscles
(synergists) that will try to take over as the primary
muscle in these movements (biceps/ delts), which is
why you should always try and focus on isolation to
target the muscles you want to work, and not the
muscles that want to help.

  1. You’re rushing things

Don’t rush your reps! Quality over quantity. Five perfect
reps are a whole lot better than 15 sloppy ones. If you
can’t get a good 1-2 second contraction with each rep,
lower the weight slightly and focus on your tempo. 

  1. Your pull-up technique is poor

These are a major key for a bigger back. Pull-ups can
be done virtually anywhere (anywhere sturdy that is).
My aim with pull-ups is never to just bang out a quick
ten and then move onto the next exercise...

My rules are simple: Ensure full extension of the arms
at the bottom of the movement. Pull your chest up and
squeeze at the top part of the movement. Tip: The lat
pulldown is a great alternative if your pull-up strength
isn’t quite there yet.

  1. You’re not performing rows

Barbell rows should be one of the main weapons in
your arsenal. This exercise targets your back, lats,
rhomboids and traps. Increasing your strength
in these areas improves your posture and spine
stability, reducing the risk of lower back injury.

  1. You’re confused over deadlifts

There is always a huge debate surrounding whether
you should incorporate these on a back day,
or save them for leg day.

The answer is simple... Do them when YOU want to
do them. Deadlifts are a huge compound movement
working your back, glutes and legs. In fact, they’re
one of the most effective exercises for building core
strength which supports all other major muscle groups.

6) You’re not fuelling your workouts correctly
My last tip is one for outside of the the gym. It is crucial
to make sure you’ve got your nutrition on point for
what you’re trying to achieve.
You want to build a bigger back? Fuel it, feed it!
Pre and post-workout nutrition will fast forward any
progress made as opposed to just weightlifting alone. 
(Carbohydrates + posterior workouts x stronger
lifts = bigger back) 
...Now that’s an equation we can all get our
head around!

By Andre Nelson

By Andre Nelson
Instagram: @nxdre 
Photo: Jody Wright
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