Idealog – July 26, 2019

(lily) #1

Brought to you by

The Transformation Issue |


What time do you wake up?
My alarm usually goes off at 6.30am. If I know that I have something big on the
next day, my body clock usually wakes me up at 5.30am, probably to give me
more time to prepare. This is annoying, but the body clock knows best I suppose.

What kind of work do you do?
I’m chief people officer for Air New Zealand, so I look after all people-related
activities in the company. I like to think I am in the job of helping 12,000
individuals be their best selves at work.

What’s the ideal way to start your day?
Without an alarm waking me up! Ideally, I would wake up naturally after eight
hours of sleep and not have to rush to get out of the house. Reading a good book
in bed with a view of the sea, birdsong in the background, and having a cup of
tea or a flat white hand delivered to me!

What’s your media consumption or interaction like – which
podcasts, radio, videos, books, magazines, and new sites do
you read or listen to?
I am a voracious consumer of media and written material. It’s how I stay
relevant, connected to the world and get my ideas and stimulus for work and
life. I traverse the whole spectrum:
∙ Twitter for quick international news and the occasional deep dive.

Jodie King is chief people officer at Air New Zealand. She joined the company as an
HR general manager in 2012 after 16 years of living and working in the UK, including
a role as the director of talent management at KPMG across nine European countries.
She was appointed to her current role at Air New Zealand in 2016. Here’s how she
gets through the day, organises her time and manages a busy executive role.

∙ News apps: Guardian, BBC, AFR, Newshub, NZ Herald.
∙ LinkedIn: I spend a dedicated hour a week reading
articles on LinkedIn.
∙ Radio: George FM for music (turned up very loud when
no one else is in the car, one of the ways I consciously
transition out of work mode is to listen to loud music)
and The Edge for the morning show banter (if the kids
haven’t tuned in their Spotify playlists into the car stereo).
∙ Podcasts: This American Life, Desert Island Discs,
Ideacasts, TedTalks, Serial, RNZ (all usually listened to
very sporadically at the gym).
∙ Magazines: Mostly UK fashion ones which I sometimes
store up for months. This is okay as there is usually a long
lag time before any semblance of the fashion trends hits
these shores!
∙ Netflix for box sets: usually with a futuristic or dark edge.

I also have a pile of books by the side of my bed. Reading
a great fiction book is one of the ways I treat myself in life
and I also have two kids who are book worms like me. Every
Saturday after sports, we head to Mt Eden Village for sushi
and go to Time Out bookstore to see if there is anything
new in the world of books that we want to purchase.
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