Idealog – July 26, 2019

(lily) #1 | The Transformation Issue

Balancing acts


What do you think is unique about the way you approach your work?
I have a rule that I have to speak with or present to at least 100 people each week
in a meaningful way (so casual chit chat doesn’t count). I do a lot of internal and
external presentations and also 1:1 and coaching/mentoring type conversations
each week and it’s such a privilege to connect with different people each week
and genuinely get a sense of how they are progressing at work.

What responsibility do you have in a typical day? What takes up
most of your time?
I usually work a 10-hour day when I have the kids, or a 12-hour day when I don’t.
I also travel a fair amount for my role, but I tend to do that on the weeks I don’t
have the kids. Luckily, I love to travel so I think I am in the right industry. If I’m
in New Zealand, I spend around seven to eight hours a day in meetings, which
will generally be exec-steering committees, decision-making meetings, meetings
with my team or people from other organisations. I try to keep 90-minutes a day
free to deal with any emerging or urgent issues, to skim emails (people get a lot
of one to two-word emails from me). On a quick trawl though my sent emails –
“yes, no, awesome, fantastic, congratulations, well done, let’s talk, maybe, OK,
approved” seem to be my most frequent responses.

Where do your best ideas come from?
When I am on a long-haul flight, reading a book or article, walking on the beach,
in the middle of the night, but mostly listening carefully to what people are saying.
That last one is key. Too many people listen to respond, rather than listen to
learn. I am an inductive thinker which means I like lots of different sources of
information and data and I try to find patterns and meaning from them.

What does resilience look like to you?
I know my own physical, mental and emotional limitations pretty well. I work
long hours every week and then every six to eight weeks or so I need to take a
long weekend off to recharge. I also purchase an extra week of leave each year
because having proper holidays with the kids during their school holidays and
over the summer period is really important to me. I know I am at my most
resilient when I have a sense of humour about most things, and when I have the
perspective that although maybe things aren’t going your way in terms of what
you want to achieve that day or that week, you know you’re ultimately making
progress in the right direction.

What has been the most transformational business practice
you’ve implemented at your work?
Getting people to focus on purpose and meaning. Too many people carry on
doing the same thing each day unquestioningly or coming up with either an
incremental fix or one that doesn’t address the root cause, so I try to influence
people problem solve in a meaningful way.

What social or environmental
issues inform the work you do,
as well as what you’re aiming
to do with your company’s
overall vision?
I do a lot of research and thinking into
the future of work, technology trends,
productivity, changing societal norms,
how people experience discrimination,
racism, sexism, ageism, the #MeToo movement, changing demographics,
gender politics, the responsibility we have to Maori in Aotearoa, issues around
vulnerability, wellbeing, living standards, labour market dynamics, industrial
relations, and individual and collective activism. Environmentally I think about
supply chain management, ethical sourcing, and last but definitely not least I
think about our carbon footprint and how we need to do more to offset this and
lead the way in the aviation industry. All of these and more issues inform the
sort of company we are now and where we want to be and I think long and hard
about what it means to be a national carrier whose mission is to supercharge
New Zealand’s success and the challenges and opportunities that presents us
with on a daily basis.

What’s the most enjoyable part of your day?
Laughing with colleagues or my team. A day spent without some irreverence
and belly laughter in it is not a day well spent. My exec colleagues and I are a
pretty tight knit bunch and I genuinely enjoy hanging out with them both in
and outside of work. From a ‘what I do’ perspective, nothing gives me more
enjoyment than having someone say to me that somehow, I helped them realise
their full potential.

What about the least enjoyable?
Some business transformation or people decisions can be tough ones to make.
Whilst I may not enjoy making tough decisions, I have a philosophy that you
should always be able to look someone in the eye and explain your rationale and
feel comfortable that you have considered all options and that it’s the one you
are accountable for taking.

What’s your best productivity hack?
Learning to say no. I try to follow the doctrine of simplicity and trying to pare
back on clutter at work and in my personal life. So I am constantly thinking,
“What’s my purpose in this meeting? Why I am spending my time doing this?
What better value can I be delivering? How can I scale my impact more?” Then
I let non-essential things fall by the wayside which helps to prioritise when
saying no. The other thing is having one source of truth in terms of my work
online outlook calendar. My calendar is a colour coded masterpiece of my life
in terms of activities, meetings, tasks, people to speak with, what my kids are up
to, personal appointments and social engagements. I spent 16 years working as
a management consultant for KPMG in London where I had to charge clients
for my time, so I am a little obsessive about productivity and making every last
minute count. I know exactly which tasks to do if I have one, five or 30 minutes
spare and how to make those minutes count.

What’s your interaction with friends and family throughout
the day? Can you be both a successful businessperson and
a good mother/partner/friend?
You can absolutely be a successful businessperson and parent or friend! There
are all types of flavours of businesspeople and all types of flavours of parents
and partners and friends. I talk on this topic a lot to Women’s Networks and
leadership development groups and it really bothers me that so many working
parents, especially Mums, are tied up in knots about it. We put so much
pressure on ourselves to be perfect. I don’t do parental guilt or angst. I am a firm
believer in owning the decisions I take and how I live my life and my barometer
is focused on the big stuff: are my kids happy, do we have fun together, do they
talk to me, and are they growing up to be kind and curious people? Luckily, they
are all very healthy and active so I also give thanks to that as health is the one
curve ball you can’t control.

What do you do once you get home? Can you switch off?
I am an advocate of personal and work life interweaving – and in a 24/7
aviation industry you have to have that way of being. So I have no issue with
booking into my working day 90 minutes to go watch a child play sport, or go
to the dentist or deviate off route from head office to the airport to pick up dry
cleaning or whatever personal admin is needed, because I usually work at night
on the couch next to the kids while they do their homework or they’re watching
something on Netflix. Often on a Sunday morning, I will allow them to have a
few hours on tech and I will spend three hours working. When I have the kids
the maximum amount of evening events (both work and personal) I will say yes
to is three per week. ■

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