Idealog – July 26, 2019

(lily) #1

The Transformation Issue |


ith the struggle of balancing your
workload, your team, feeling
overwhelmed, constantly fighting fires,
trying to get a good nights sleep, finding
time for yourself and your mental and
physical wellbeing, trying to find time to
spend with your significant other, your
family, your friends... It’s bound to feel a bit lonely at the top.
The key is not doing it alone. So, what can you do to
ensure that you’re not doing it alone?
We asked the supportive team at The Common to
answer one of the most asked questions entrepreneurs
have – “Where do I go for help and how can I make sure my
business and myself, as the business owner is supported?”
The Common is a Business Support Community where
Entrepreneurs and Business Owners are helped to achieve
their professional and personal goals.
Everyone in The Common community is a Business
Owner, an Entrepreneur or Business Leader, who has been
there, done that, got the T-shirt or more likely is going
through it right now.
The Common provides a business membership club
that includes access to Business and Health and Wellness
workshops, support through mentoring, one on one
coaching or group coaching and access to other like-minded
individuals to share your journey with. All set in a beautiful,
architectural, heritage space in Parnell, with spaces that
cater for your different needs.
We spoke with Debra Chantry, the founder of The
Common, who is also a Business Owner, an Entrepreneur
with 25+ years of running businesses along with 10+ years of
coaching, to share her tips with us.

Why do you think coaching and
mentorship is often lacking in new
business environments?
I think people think that they can’t afford it, when in reality,
you can’t afford not to do it. Coaching is usually a paid
service but there is government funding to help you with the
cost of this, plus the time you save by avoiding the pitfalls
is invaluable. One on one coaching gives you fantastic

ou don't

need to do

it alone!

motivation and accountability plus a safe place to share
your journey, whereas group coaching gives you the
chance to learn from others.
Mentoring is generally an unpaid option – you just
need to find someone who has the skills and experience
that you need and who is willing to mentor you.
We offer all of the above at The Common, through
our coaches, our members and our preferred suppliers.
We take the time to match you with the right service
and the right people.

What do you think are some of the main
benefits of having a business coach in
any stage of a business journey?
Good business coaches have not only training in
coaching, which is all about asking questions, but also
in running a business, so that they know the right
questions to ask.
Most clients already have the answers, they just
don’t know the right questions to ask.
Having someone who can look at your business
from the outside and challenge you by asking the right
questions will mean that you will get to the right answers
more quickly and avoid making expensive mistakes.
A coach will also hold you accountable. We have
awesome software that all of our coaches and mentors use

  • we call it the nagging wife – it gently keeps you on track!

Why do you think people may be hesitant to
ask for help within their communities?
I think people tend to see asking for help as a sign of
weakness or failure. I have a simple solution for that.
When you help someone yourself how does it make you
feel? It makes you feel good doesn’t it? So why are you
denying others that feeling? Why are you ripping them
off? Every time I have asked for help, or encouraged one
of our members to, I have always been blown away by the
response. Let’s help people to feel great about themselves
whilst getting the help we need.
It’s all about working together – You don’t need to
do it alone! ■

As an entrepreneur, business owner
or business leader, have you ever felt like
you’re doing it all alone? So, how do we,
as entrepreneurs & leaders, make sure
that we look after our business
but most importantly ourselves?

Coaches, members and suppliers hang out
at The Common.

For more information visit our website, contact our team
on [email protected] or 0800 332
007 & ask us how we can help you.


idealog/THE COMMON

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