Oman Economic Review – July 2019

(Elliott) #1
26 July 2019


more attention to careers in tourism
and hospitality sectors.

Another challenge is to get the projects
built to the high standard and on time.
We have only a limited number of
international contractors here in Oman
who can provide the services we require.
This is affecting the timely completion
of the projects. In addition, the political
tensions currently brewing in the region
are affecting the tourism industry in the
Middle East region. However, tourism is
a long-term play and there will be ups
and downs in the short term.

The other challenge is of competitive
environment. People who do choose to
come to the Middle East have a lot of
other options in the region.

During the last five years, we have
significantly increased our supply of
hotel rooms in Oman, faster than the
amount of tourists arriving. That’s
why we have more tourists coming
and less occupancy rates. But this is
a short term issue – sort of a chicken-
and-egg problem. If you don’t have
hotels of international standard, then
you won’t get people. Therefore, you
have to develop the hotels and build
the reputations and attractions of

the country to get more tourists flow
in. So, for the next few years, we
are expanding the number of five-
star hotels allowing time to the tour
operators to build up the momentum.

What is Omran doing to promote
domestic tourism?
There has been a criticism that
Omran is focussing on foreign tourists
with high-priced hotels. We need to
recognise that Omanis themselves
are potential tourists inside their
own country, and we need to make
them spend their money inside Oman
instead of letting them travel and
spend abroad. And that is going to
happen only when we, as a country,
provide more destinations, activities
and attractions for domestic tourists
who won’t pay international prices.

In this regard, Omran has announced
a summer promotion package by
offering Omanis discounted rates
across our hotels in the Sultanate
during the summer months. This is
aimed at encouraging them to leave
home and live in a different place in
Oman, rather than spending all the
time outside the country. In addition,
in our newly developed Athana hotels
at Al Ashkhara in Salaha, the room

rates are going to be more attractive for
the locals.

It’s important that we don’t lose sight of
the fact that Omanis are the domestic
tourists and we should encourage them
to stay in the country and visit other
places in the Sultanate. Omran is also
supporting the idea of opening local
establishments and houses for Omanis
to have more lower-cost vacations in the

What is Omran’s future outlook?
Out future outlook is, and has to be,
positive. We continue to invest in key
projects of national importance and we
have a very large ITC project kicking
off. We would not have done it all, if
we did not think that there is a positive
future for the country and for these
investments. What has driven Oman’s
diversification strategy focussed on
tourism is the well-known fact that
tourism is one of the fastest growing
sectors not just for Oman but all over
the world. So we are positive and
optimistic that Oman is well positioned
in this region to attract more tourists
and to see that those tourists invest in
the country. So we are very positive and
ambitious of about what we want to do
to increase our offerings.
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