Oman Economic Review – July 2019

(Elliott) #1


What is the role of Oman Aviation
Group in the growth of Oman’s
tourism, aviation and other allied
Oman Aviation Group plays a vital
role in driving the socioeconomic
growth and development of the
Sultanate. It also acts as facilitator
for other sectors through its various
services. The group’s efforts have
been instrumental in the management
of government investments in civil
aviation infrastructure and services.
The group, through its network which
connects the Sultanate to the rest of
the world, is currently contributing to
the development of the Sultanate as an
international business and logistics hub.

In 2018, the aviation

sector contributed

about RO174mn to the

national GDP, while

direct and indirect

contributions to the

tourism sector reached

RO1.5bn. Mustafa bin

Mohamed Al Hinai,

CEO of Oman Aviation

Group, talks about

the various strategic

initiatives of the group

for the development

of Oman’s aviation,

tourism and other

allied sectors. Excerpts

from an interview

The contribution of Oman Aviation
Group is not only limited to this, as
it joins hands with the tourism and
logistics sectors to lead the growth and
development of these two vital sectors.
In line with aviation strategies and in
cooperation with the various sectors in
the tourism sector, the group continues
its efforts to achieve the objectives of

the National Tourism Strategy. It is also
making progress in establishing “devel-
opment zones”, near various airports in
the Sultanate. These zones, which will
have a lot of special privileges because of
their proximity to the airports, will play
a vital role in attracting and promoting
foreign investment, increasing revenues
and enhancing trade movement.
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