Oman Economic Review – July 2019

(Elliott) #1
28 July 2019


Can you elaborate on the strategy of
Oman Aviation Group?
We are working to enhance the
operational efficiency of our aviation
companies. To this end, we have
developed five strategic initiatives and
12 sub-initiatives. The five strategic
initiatives can be divided into two areas:
three initiatives are aimed at enhancing
the operational efficiency of the sector
companies, while two initiatives focus
on the growth of the sector in general.

The three strategies for enhancing the
operational efficiency of the sector seek
to develop a strategic transformation
programme for Oman Air; to enhance
the efficiency of the commercial and
financial operations of the various
airports in Oman; and to enhance
the services in the aviation sector
with regard to ground services, air
freight, logistics and market services
as well as hospitality services. These
three strategic objectives have been
developed to enhance the efficiency of
the sector, while in the growth strategy
we have developed two key criteria.

The fourth initiative focuses on
promoting the growth of the sector
in cooperation with other strategic
sectors. The fifth initiative focuses on
developing a structural framework for
the sector. Therefore, Oman Aviation
Group has been set up as a hub of the
entire sector, which could manage
the coexistent of the sector with other
economic sectors.

We have developed three sub-initiatives,
namely developing cities around the
Sultanate’s airports, linking ports to
the airports and promoting inbound
tourism through aviation.

With regard to the first initiative
of developing cities around the
Sultanate’s airports, we see that the
current trend is that airports are not
built as just passenger terminals, but
they are built as cities around airports,
equipped with facilities for different
sectors such as logistics, hospitality
and aviation. They all can serve as

gateways for creating investment
opportunities in the Sultanate. They
can also create conducive business
environment that meet the needs of
other sectors as well.

The second is concerning a special
air cargo strategy for the Sultanate
because of its strategic location on
the international trade routes. In this
regard, a special air cargo strategy
was developed based on three major
initiatives: Retrieving the loss of air
traffic cargo to other shipping means;
promoting, empowering and optimising
other economic sectors through the
aviation sector. Oman Aviation Group
is now operating in tandem with other
sectors, including fisheries, to export
fish to the international markets.
The third part of the group’s air
cargo strategy is concerning offshore
investments. The Oman Aviation Group
has made great strides to attract foreign
investment in supporting sectors.

As for the fifth initiative to develop a
broad-based structural framework in
the coming years, the planned strategy
is to entrust the group with the task of
developing Oman’s aviation sector.

With this mandate, the group is
committed to developing the sector
in line with all economic sectors.
The group will also play a key role in
enhancing the internal competencies
of its subsidiaries both financially
and commercially or operationally,
developing the national human
resources and imparting the required
expertise to meet the needs of the
sector. An integrated strategic plan has
been developed for this.

Another important aspect is that
we cannot operate without digital
capabilities which are very vital for the
operations of the group. Also we need to
promote innovation within our systems
to create a conducive environment that
can help us compete with our regional

We have also developed programmes

and allocated the necessary resources
for all these strategic objectives. A
specialised office has also been set up
to monitor the progress made in these
areas. This office brings all the results
of these initiatives to the notice of
the CEO and the chairman of the
board of directors.

Please talk about your collaboration
with other vital sectors such as
logistics and tourism?
As the key player in Oman’s aviation
sector, we aim to create a value chain
that links the aviation, tourism and
logistics sectors across the Sultanate,
while continuing to play an important
role for enhancing growth, efficiency,
revenue as well as improving the traffic.

Oman Aviation Group joins hands with
Oman Logistic Group (Asyad) to build a
new logistical concept for the Sultanate
as a logistics distribution strategy
through airports and ports as well as
linking the Sultanate’s ports to one
another- such as linking Suhar Airport
to Salalah and Muscat airports, linking
Duqm Port to Sohar Port to help smooth
traffic of goods.

What are your initiatives to promote
Oman’s tourism sector?
Tourism sector has great potential;
therefore we have developed two
strategies for it: The first one is the
tourism distribution strategy according
to the international market. We have
classified the nature of the tourists
coming to Oman, considering their
interest to visit the Sultanate, the
destinations they prefer to visit and the
airlines that bring them to Oman, the
ways to connect them with the hotels
and public transport networks to render
the required services to them. Thanks
to this strategy, the group has the full
understanding of the nature of tourists
that may visits the Sultanate, the days
they likely to stay in the Sultanate and
the sites they want to visit.

In addition, an integrated technical
programme will be set up to link all
tourist services, airports and hotel
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