Soap Opera Digest – July 29, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1


Follow Carolyn on Twitter @carolynhinsey




outs poken

Eric: “They didn’t want to
make it a big deal.”
No, Rex and Sarah would
rather treat their marriage
like a clandestine lunch date:
“Meet me at noon in the cha-
pel. Come alone.”
Contrast that with the
sloooow burn Jack and
Jennifer are doing as they find
their way back to each other.
I have not been on board with
Amnesia Jack being such a
jerk, but Jennifer’s unfailing
love keeps him viable.
Jack: “We don’t have a
Jennifer: “But we have a
really long past.”
Yes, and we watched it.
Eve’s viperous efforts to
keep Jack from getting his
memory back add to Jack
and Jen’s rooting value —
along with Eve’s eventual
You know who else is
on my couple’s wish list?
Hope and Brady. Sure, Hope
slept with his father (John
Black, duh) but she was
brainwashed by Stefano at
the time so it doesn’t count.
Honestly — anything to get

nA good soap romance
builds slowly and plays all
the beats. So what’s with
all these quickie hook-
ups and bargain basement
nI can’t imagine a bigger
throwaway than DAYS’s
insta-couple Rex and Sarah.
Their wedding was decided
the day before and consisted
of three scenes in the hospi-
tal chapel. It was officiated
by Eric (Rex’s brother and
Sarah’s ex), with Rex’s Aunt
Kayla bringing the “bouquet”
from the hospital gift shop
and serving as the only wit-
ness. She didn’t even take off
her lab coat and stethoscope.
One scene later, the new-
lyweds went to the Kiriakis
mansion to deliver the, er,
good news.
Sarah: “Rex and I got
Maggie and Xander: “You
did what?”
My thoughts exactly. In
came Rex’s mother, Kate,
equally confused.
Maggie: “They invited no
Rex: “There’s a whole lot

of reasons I won’t get into
right now.”
Like DAYS isn’t invested
in this couple and didn’t
want to spend any money
inviting their families to a
logical venue? Rex even
admitted it: “The timing is
really bad. Dad just lost his
mom and Maggie is heart-

sick over Holly and my mom
wants to be there for Will.”
Those are actually great
reasons to have a ceremony.
Roman, in particular, was
devastated to have missed
his son’s nuptials.
Roman: “They could have
called me and Kate. We’d
have picked up Maggie and
been there in 10 minutes.”


What’s with
all these
and bargain
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