Soap Opera Digest – July 29, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1

Hope away from Ted.
nWhat will get B&B’s
Hope away from that nut-
case Thomas? Talk about a
quickie hookup and bargain
basement wedding. Hope
deserves better than that
murderous, drug-peddling
psychopath and I hope she
gets it soon because I can’t
watch that sad, slow-moving
train wreck much longer.
nMoving on.... After rush-
ing Kyle and Lola’s courtship
(meet cute, break up, almost
die, coma, reunite, move in,
propose in nine months),
Y&R is playing the wedding
beats to much greater effect.
Lola’s mother, Celeste, hit
town for her bridal shower,
and not a moment too soon
because Kyle’s foray into
planning was a snoozer.
Theo (to Kyle): “Flower
arrangements and seating
charts? I think I dozed off.”
Me, too. Celeste’s arrival
also slowed things down by
getting Kyle out of Lola’s
loft, which adds needed root-
ing value to the couple as
they struggle to find time
Celeste (to Lola): “There’s
room for the two of us,
Translation: Three’s a
crowd, dude.
Contrast Kyle and Lola’s

than just friends. Maybe we
can capture that again ... Will
you marry me?”
GH telegraphed it beauti-
fully with Scotty’s heartfelt
speech to Franco about how
he was lonely.
Scotty: “I want a girl who
can knock back a couple of
martinis, knows who Dirty
Harry is and can quote a line
from Jaws. I want what I had
the other day when Bobbie
fainted and I felt needed.”
Aw, Scotty....
I was not on board with
Franco and Liz getting mar-
ried in that hasty jailhouse
mess officiated by Drew,
so their reception on The
Haunted Star went a long
way toward fixing that. Of
course, they couldn’t help
jinxing it.
Franco: “What could pos-
sibly go wrong?”
Liz: “We’re going to live hap-
pily ever after!”
Way to tempt fate, kids.
If Jason and Sam get mar-
ried again it better be big.
A throwaway ceremony tells
me the show is not invested in
the couple, so no exchanging
vows again in black T-shirts
at a Chinese restaurant.
When two faves get
hitched, the whole town
should explode with joy.
There are a million ways to
celebrate a low-key union
that can still convey the hap-
piness of a true wedding day
and the hoped-for longevity
of the couple.
If you build it, we will
nHey. It’s only my
opinion. w

race to the altar with the
building chemistry I see
between Jack and Lauren.
Lauren (to Jack re: Mallory):
“Do we think this could be a
Yes — a thing between
Jack and Lauren! We haven’t
had a good, clandestine
affair on Y&R in a long time
and it would be so refreshing
to have one between those
faves and Lauren’s equally
beloved husband, Michael.
I’m also not averse to
Jack and Phyllis 3.0.
Jack: “Adam hired her as
CEO of Dark Horse. She
took great pleasure in deliv-
ering the news in person,
along with an elaborate gift
Billy: “Seasonal fruit and
plastic explosives?”
Ha! Leave it to Phyllis.
nAnd leave it to Scotty to
propose to Bobbie out of the
blue. I watched GH in the
’70s when Scotty, Bobbie
and Laura were the hot tri-
angle, and GH has played
them enough in each other’s
orbits to make it believable
that Scotty would step up
when Bobbie got sick.
Bobbie: “I have type 2
Scotty: “You don’t have to
face this by yourself. There
was a time we were more



Mom’s The Word: Y&R’s Celeste (Eva La
Rue, r.) is a good spoiler for Kyle (Michael
Mealor) and Lola’s (Sasha Calle) romance.
Free download pdf