Soap Opera Digest – July 29, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
Julie walks in on Stefan
and Gabi going at it on her
desk and throws cold water
all over them. She kicks
them out, forcing them to
cancel their event. Stefan
suggests to Gabi that they
continue things at his
place, but she balks. She
lies that she wants to be a
real couple. He agrees.

Hope follows Xander
to the DiMera manse, but
he gives her the slip. Hope
kicks down the door of
the secret room and finds
a captive Ted and Kate.
Hope asks them who
locked them up. Because
Kristen threatened to kill
Hope and Kate’s family
members if they tell the
truth, Ted and Kate lie
that it was Stefan. Stefan
is arrested. Rex is relieved
when Kate checks in.

Xander is angry when
Kristen reveals that she
protected herself but not
him. Xander threatens to
expose Kristen and leaves.
Eric and Brady check
in on “Nicole”. “Nicole”
will only talk to Brady.
He tries to persuade her
to come work for him, but
“Nicole” claims she can’t
be around him because of
her feelings for him, and

pulls him into a kiss.
Lani shows up to arrest
Xander and reveals Stefan
has also been arrested.
Xander requests immunity
in exchange for revealing
his bosses’ role in the kid-
napping of Ted and Kate.

Eric tells Sarah that
he’s thinking about leaving
town. She urges him to stay.
Their intimate moment is
broken by Rex. Sarah re-
veals that Eric might move
away; Rex makes Eric
promise he won’t.

Ted thanks Hope for res-
cuing him. He doesn’t tell
her about the kiss he shared
with Kate while in captiv-
ity. He lies about how he
fell into Xander’s clutches,
insisting he wanted to

to 2017


days lives

JJ is incensed when his landlord, a Jack Deveraux
supporter, evicts him for sheltering Haley. Tripp offers
Claire’s old room to Haley and JJ. They accept and
move into the loft.... Will receives a clean bill of health
and is discharged from the hospital.... After getting en-
gaged, Eli and Lani talk about having another child.....
Jennifer writes an op-ed piece that angers Jack. He
revokes her press credentials. She urges him to take
the serum, but he won’t. Jennifer gives him an old
article he wrote and makes an impassioned speech
to get him to reconsider. Jack later tells Eve that he
is going to take the serum. Eve is worried about what
will happen.

Mom’s The Word:
Susan (then-Eileen
Davidson) was
revealed to be play-
ing “mom” to an
amnesiac, presumed-
dead Will (Chandler
Massey), who thought
he was EJ.


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