Soap Opera Digest – July 29, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
Billy discovers one
of Delia’s old dolls at
the Chancellor man-
sion and takes it home.
He becomes haunted by
dreams of her death. The
nightmares lead him back
to the house, where he
discovers Delia’s writing
on a piece of furniture.
Kevin assures the grieving
dad that the writing is
many years old, but Billy
can’t shake the feeling
that Delia is trying to send
him a message.

Celeste moves in with
Lola and insists that Lola
and Kyle stop having sex
until after the wedding. Lola
and Celeste butt heads when
Lola learns that Celeste
has reconciled with Lola’s
father, Adrian. Celeste asks
Lola to invite Adrian to the
wedding, but Lola refuses,
threatening to cancel the
ceremony if he shows up.
Theo tries sabotaging
Lola and Kyle’s relation-
ship by hinting about
Kyle’s wild days in New
York to the bride-to-be.
Kyle assures Lola there’s
nothing to worry about,
but she later asks Theo to
share more details.
Phyllis warns her daugh-
ter to stay away from Theo,
but Summer brushes off the

advice. Feeling rejected,
Phyllis confides in Billy
that she’s working against
Adam. A skeptical Billy
urges Phyllis to act soon,
before more people get hurt.

With her book complet-
ed, Traci schedules a meet-
ing with her publisher in

New York. Cane accompa-
nies her. They bond on the
trip and Cane suggests they
take the next step with their
relationship. Traci turns him
down, insisting she needs
to write the next chapter
on her own. They return to
Genoa City as friends.
Sensing that Jack is feel-
ing lonely, Billy encourages

to 2015



Feeling positive about his relationship with Elena, Devon
invites her to move in with him. She accepts. Mean-
while, Nate asks Abby to go house hunting with him.
After she offers her opinion, he decides to purchase
Cane and Lily’s house. Caught up in the excitement,
Abby and Nate share a passionate kiss. She invites him
to attend a family dinner with her. Abby then decides to
open another restaurant, and approaches Phyllis about
collaborating on a lounge for Dark Horse’s new hotel.
Phyllis is initially skeptical, but agrees to think about it.

The Verdict: Victor black-
mailed ex-lover Judge Elise
Moxley (Jensen Buchanan)
into giving Adam a reduced
sentence for his role in
Delia’s death.

young restless

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