Soap Opera Digest – July 29, 2019

(Steven Felgate) #1
his brother to visit Ashley.
Jack takes his advice, and
he and Ashley meet up in
Paris, where the siblings
finally put the past behind
them. During their conver-
sation, Jack discovers the
sense of purpose he needs.

After being slighted by
Chelsea, Adam gives Paul
information that could
implicate her in Calvin’s
death. Still, the police rule
that Calvin died of natural
causes. Rey informs Nick
and Chelsea that Adam tried
to frame her for murder.
When Nick becomes protec-
tive of Chelsea, they realize
their old chemistry is return-
ing but decide to take things
slow. Nick asks Chelsea to
stay in Genoa City with him.
Adam schemes to influ-

ence the election for Chris-
tine’s replacement so that
the next DA will serve his
best interests. Later, Adam
follows Sharon into the park,
where she is meeting Nick
and Christian. Adam tries to
speak with his son, but Nick
hurries Christian
away. Sharon then
cuts all ties with
Adam. He finds
Chelsea and begs
her to reconcile,
but she refuses.
Meanwhile, Sharon
informs Rey that
her eyes have been
opened to Adam
and asks Rey to try
again. He agrees
and they reconcile.

To cheer up
Victor, Nikki

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invites their family, except
for Adam, to dinner. After
Victor and Chelsea reach
a truce, she reveals where
Connor is attending camp
so Grandpa can visit him.
However, Chelsea insists
that it’s not the right time
to bring her son back to
Genoa City. Victor reluc-
tantly agrees, and invites
Chelsea to attend the
upcoming family dinner.
After Nick blasts Phyllis
for aligning with his broth-
er, she asks Adam to drop
the custody suit. He laughs
and refuses. Adam digs up
incriminating photos of
the judge, and dispatches
Kevin to deliver them.
However, Kevin considers
using the pictures to strike
back against Adam. w

Is Kyle worried that Lola (Sasha Calle) won’t
understand certain aspects of his personal
history? Michael Mealor answers:

“Kyle was a different person in New York, and
while he wants to be completely honest with
Lola, there are certain things about his past
that he wants to keep in the past.”


Executive Producer:
Anthony Morina
Head Writer:
Josh Griffith
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