Muscle & Fitness Hers South Africa – July-August 2019

(Michael S) #1
M&F Hers
JUL/AUG 2019

Kaska Kaminski
Strong. Driven.


56 21 Days to a Hot Body
Three weeks to your sexiest
and fittest body ever.

66 License to Grill
Maximise flavour and health
with these grilling recipes.

72 Spectacular Abs
Tighten up with this Cirque du
Soleil–approved abs routine.

78 Superfoods
Healthy foods that’ll give your
body all the nutrients it needs.

84 Get Your Sweat On!
Escape the gym with these
16 fresh routines.

(^) 2019 JUL/AUG | M&F HERS | 1

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