Model Airplane News – August 2019

(Ron) #1
AUGUST 2019 51


The Champ is not difficult to build, so no step-by-step assembly
talk is needed. Rather, I’ll just hit the high points and other unique
parts of the build. Begin by making up the bow patterns for the
wingtips and tail section, and laminate the outlines. A simple jig
is provided on the plans to build the landing-gear assembly. For
those less familiar with these old-school modeling techniques,
read my “Building Tips” section at Pat’s Custom Models (pats and select the pertinent category. But
before construction begins, take the time to read and study the
plans to become familiar with the way the model goes together.
Doing this will undoubtedly save you some head scratching after
you begin construction.

The wingtips, rudder outline, and stabilizer
tips are laminated out of balsa, using
patterns made from foamboard.

The wing assembly is built directly over the plans. The egg crate–style of con-
struction ensures a quick yet accurate build.

With the framing complete, the wings are removed
from the board and sanded to shape, and the aileron
hinges are dry-fitted in place.

The rudder and elevator assemblys are framed directly over the plans and then sanded to shape, and the
hinges are dry-fitted in place.


The vertical and horizontal stabilizers are built directly over the plans. When completed, lift the parts from the
board and sand to shape, then dry fit the hinges into place. Bend the tailwheel strut wire to shape and glue it in
place on the rudder, then dry-fit the toothpick control horn in place for the rudder.
Begin the wing assembly by pinning the aileron-servo mount (ASM) plate in place over the plan and build the
wing panel around it. After assembling the spars and ribs, the leading and trailing edges are glued in place, followed
by the wingtip bow. The ailerons are built in place on the wing, beginning with sanding the bevel into the aileron
leading edge (A4) shown in the A7 rib-detail drawing. Remove the wing panel from the board, glue parts SM, A6,
and A7 in place flush with the bottom of the wing, and sand the assembly to final shape. Cut the aileron free and
sand it to final shape, then dry-fit the hinges in place as shown in the R6 rib-detail drawing. Finally, fit and glue
tube-reinforcement parts A3A and the 1/8-inch brass receiver tubes in place to complete the wing assembly.

The aileron-servo arms
are set to the neutral
position, then the ser-
vos are glued in place
in the wing using sili-
cone caulk.
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