First for Women – August 26, 2019

(Nandana) #1

Super-rehydrating coconut water
can increase your energy expen-
diture by 50% for up to five hours,
say Italian researchers. Credit goes
to the liquid’s rich stores of manga-
nese, which stimulate the thyroid’s
production of the metabolism-
boosting hormone thyroxine.

This tropical sip is significantly
more effective at hydrating the body
than plain water, report Malaysian
researchers. That’s because coco-
nut water contains potassium and
sodium—key electrolytes that bal-
ance f luid levels within cells and
prompt the body to release excess
f luid that causes bloat and puffi-
ness for an instant slimming effect.

Magnesium in coconut water
increases cells’ sensitivity to the
blood sugar–regulating hormone
insulin, dialing down blood-sugar
f luctuations that cause cravings.
In fact, Indian researchers found
that sipping coconut water daily
can improve blood-sugar control
by 41% in two weeks.

  • Boosts metabolism

Flushes false fat

Balances blood sugar

18 First for women 8/26/19

sip away stress

Revitalizing tro

These tasty chillers brim

with nutrient-rich coconut

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