Biology Times 07.2019

(Greg DeLong) #1

(a) Glycine-valine-methionine-histidine-
(b) Lysine-methionine valine-glycine
(c) Methionine-lysine-glycine-valine-
(d) Valine-methionine-glycine-histidine-

  1. A segment of DNA has the triplet
    base sequence. AAG, GAC, AGC, CGC,
    ACA and AAA. Due to mutation the first

    base only got deleted. Then the likely
    effect of this on the coding of DNA
    segment is that
    (a) There will be complete change in the
    types and sequence of amino acids
    (b) Polypeptide will have one amino acid
    (c) There will be no change in polypeptide
    chain formed
    (d) The first amino acid will be different

  2. How many ATP & GTP molecules
    are respectively used for each amino acid
    incorporated in peptide chain?
    (a) 2 & 1 (b) 1 & 2
    (c) 2 & 2 (d) 3 & 3

  3. Which is not correct?
    (a) UGG codes for tryptophan
    (b) UAA codes for lysine
    (c) Cysteine is coded by UGU & UGC
    (d) Tyrosine is coded by UAU & UAC

  4. A coding sequence made of alternating C
    and U bases would form a polypeptide
    having ....
    (a) Either leu or ser residue
    (b) Alterating leu and ser residues
    (c) Only ser residues
    (d) Only leu residues

  5. During translation initiation in prokaryotes
    GTP is required for ..
    (a) Association of 30S-mRNA with
    (b) Binding of 30 S subunit of ribosome
    with mRNA
    (c) Formation of formyl-met-tRNA
    (d) Association of 50 S subunit of ribosome

with initiation complex

  1. The correct order of events for synthesis
    of the lagging strand is
    (a) Primase adds primer, DNA polymerase
    I removes the primer, DNA
    polymerase extends the segment, the
    ligases seals the gap.
    (b) primase adds RNA primer, DNA
    polymerase III creates a stretch, DNA
    polymerase I removes the primer, and
    ligase seals the gaps.
    (c) Helicase unwinds the DNA, primase
    creates a primer, DNA polymerase I
    elongates the stretch, DNA polymerase
    III removes the primer, and ligase seals
    the gaps in the DNA.
    (d) Ligase adds bases to the primase,the
    primase generates the polymerase I,
    polymerase III adds to the stretch,
    helicase winds the DNA.

  2. There are 125 Amino acids, we want to
    synthesis an ‘mRNA’. How many nitrogen
    bases are required to form sufficient codon to

    code 125 Amino acids?
    (a) 375 (b) 125 (c) 42 (d) 3

  3. Which is correct ...
    (a) Introns are present in mRNA and exons
    in tRNA
    (b) Codons are present in mRNA and
    anticodons in tRNA
    (c) Every intron is a set of three terminator
    (d) Exons are present in eukaryotes and
    introns in prokaryotes

  4. Escherichia coli with completely
    radioactive DNA was allowed to replicate
    in non-radioactive medium for two
    generations. percentage of bacteria with
    radioactive DNA is ...
    (a) 100% (b) 50% (c) 25% (d) 12.5%

  5. Find the number of phosphodiester bonds
    and glycosidic linkages associated with E.
    coli DNA respectively-

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