
(Frankie) #1
What do you do? I’m a photographer
who has recently moved into video.
My style is about creating absurd
environments for the people I work
with to run through. How did you begin
on that path? I fell into it, as I imagine
a lot of photographers/videographers
do. I started taking photos of bands
overseas, just to meet people! It went
from there. I love being able to make
something that helps someone feel like
they’re being represented in the world
in an interesting way. What inspires
you? Different light temperatures at
night. Nannas sweeping their gardens.
Wallpaper. Best piece of advice you’ve
received? To pretend you’re making art
for yourself. Obviously you aren’t, but
creating anything with the reception of
others in mind is really hard. Why did
you enter the Good Stuff awards? I love
frankie, and had a good bunch of friends
enter last year. In Australia, there aren’t
many awards that acknowledge such
a broad range of talents, so I thought
I’d give it a go! Which one tool could
you not do without? A big ol’ SD card.
Greatest achievement so far? I didn’t
study any of this, so just learning the
ins and outs of camera stuff has been
a big achievement for me. And the
biggest challenge? Being freelance and
the stresses that come with that. Not
knowing where your next job is coming
from is both terrifying and exciting.
What keeps you going through the
hard times? Fortunately, if something
isn’t going great, I can take solace in
another job that might be popping up
soon. I think that’s the best thing about
freelance – you’re able to work on so
many different project types. Who do you
look up to? A huge influence is Swedish
photographer Lars Tunbjörk. He’s really
cheeky and absurd. The colours are
beautiful and you’re not sure whether
his subjects are real people or staged
situations. What’s one thing we should
know about you? I grew up in the Blue
Mountains, so I’m still amazed by big
cities and the number of places I can get
a snack. What do you stand for? I think
I’m still figuring that out. Hopefully a
place where people can feel safe and
supported when expressing themselves.
What’s your next goal? I want to try
to create experiences around my
work. I think we’re a bit of a scrolling
generation (myself included), so I really
want to put people right in the piece.
Where can we see your work? The best
place is my Instagram, @nick_mckk, or
my website,

Photography judge Luisa Brimble
says: Nick’s photo series, Alien, really
caught my attention. It felt uneasy
yet familiar and nostalgic. I love that
each image in his project was paired
with a very appropriate soundtrack,
which more than doubled the sensory
experience. I commend Nick for
evoking those ‘alien’ feelings.







Carine Thevenau
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