
(Frankie) #1
What do you do?I’m a lover ofwor ds.
At the moment I’mexperimentingwith
them through writing, podcasting, stand-up
comedy and TVproduction.When didyou
start?I started storytelling professionally
about 10 years ago in Perth. I published a
kids’ book; spoke in schools; taught public
speaking to young people; and dabbled in
stand-up comedy. I recently moved from
Perth to Melbourne to produce my stories
for TV and film.Who do you look up to?
Creatively, I’ve always admired musician
Ery kah Badu, comedian Ellen DeGeneres
and TV writer Shonda Rhimes. They’re all
imaginative wordsmiths whose colourful
and humorous ideas bring people together
in surprising ways.Why did you enter the
Good Stuff awards?I was on the frankie
website t ocheck out some videos and
came across the competition page – the day
before the deadline! When I saw the writing
and podcasts category,I t hought it was
the perfect opportunity to apply because
my podcast is about writing.What are you
working on right now?I’m finally setting up
my own production company and developing
three TV show ideas. MypodcastTwo Words
with Takuuis also keeping me busy, as that’s
where I share what I’m learning along
the way.Greatest achievement so far?
I’m finally at a point where I’m not asking
anyonefor permission to tell my stories.
I’m not writing or creating to fit a mould
or quota. I’m simply sharing my words
in ways that bri ng my spirit j oy.And the
biggest challenges?Things like loss of
family; not-quite-right relationships; toxic
fri ends hips; an d self -d oubtrea llyaffected
my confidence a few years ago.Ires et
myboundaries, madetime toheal and
surrounded myself with loving family and
friends who’ve helped me so much.What’s
one thing we should know about you?I call
myself the UnapologeticQueen of Trying.
I spent too long wondering if Ish ouldand
could try some of my creative ideas, and
now I just choose to have a goand learn
from whatever happens. So far, it’s been
phenomenal!What’s your next goal?I’m
focusing on shooting pilot episodes for my
th ree shows. They’re quite different and
th ere ’splenty to research and prepare
for each.Bestpiece of adviceyou’ve
received?A personI admire said,“Focus
on goingdeep,not wide.”Toda y,th ere ’sso
muchfocus on numbers –fo llowers,likes,
vi ews, etc. Whenyou create true,honest
wor kfrom adeep place wit hin yourself,
it maych ange h ow yoush are itan d who
you connect with.Where can we see your
work?My podcastTwo Words with Takuis
on iTunes and anywhere else youfind your
favourite podcasts.You can also see my
world onInstagram at@takuspeaks.

Writing+g podcastsjudge Benjamin
Law saaysTaku has a guninstinctfor
storytelling,backed upu wit himpressive,
professi onal sounddesi gn c hopsthat
el evateher work to i nternati onalbroa dcast
quality. As more African-Australianvoices
begintolead the wayinour media,I so look
for wardtoTakuk beeingfront anadcentre.






Bri Hammond

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