The Grocer – 20 July 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1

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Six of one and half a dozen
of the other. That’s the
impact Brexit will have on
the egg industry, if its major
players are to be believed.
While some fear a
no-deal Brexit could
result in a rise in imports
of powdered egg and egg
products from battery hens,
others see Brexit as a key
opportunity to push the
credentials of British eggs.
“Brexit offers retailers
a fantastic opportunity
to reinforce their
commitment to British food
products, show support
for domestic farming and
give consumers what they
want,” says British Egg
Industry Council chairman
Andrew Joret.
According to the council’s
figures, retail sales of shell

eggs continue to rise. They
were up around 2% in the
first quarter of 2019, on the
back of 13 consecutive years
of growth. The British Egg
Industry Council stresses
that growth is particularly
apparent among British
eggs, which rose 5% on
the previous year, while
imports of shell eggs and
egg products fell.
“The UK industry
is growing more self-
sufficient, with the
flock having increased
significantly in recent years
to meet rising demand for
British and growing egg
consumption,” Joret says.
But there are undeniable
threats. While the
government has stipulated
that imported meat will
be subject to some tariffs
in the event of a no-deal
Brexit, it hasn’t done the
same for eggs and egg
products. That means far
cheaper imported eggs
could start arriving into the
UK market.
Farm animal welfare

organisation Compassion
in World Farming fears this
may lead to powdered eggs
and egg products being
imported from countries
that have lower welfare
“We urge the government
in the event of a no-deal
Brexit to place tariffs on
imported eggs, otherwise
egg products from battery
hens could flood into the
UK, undermining British
farmers,” says chief policy
advisor Peter Stevenson.
Yet that doesn’t mean
shoppers will necessarily
buy into these products.
Research by British Lion
earlier this year revealed
more than half of UK
shoppers want to know
from where the eggs in
their food products are
sourced. It also found 83%
of consumers strongly
associate the Lion mark
with British sourcing and a
guarantee of quality.
So in this case, British
eggs may still manage to
land sunny side up.

Will Brexit

aid or hinder

the UK egg


  • predominantly Brazil and Thailand. That
    could change under a no-deal Brexit.
    The government has stipulated the UK
    would still impose tariffs on chicken imports,
    but at a lower rate than is currently charged
    under the EU’s WTO agenda. And a cer-
    tain volume of imported chicken would be
    allowed through tariff-free.
    That could pave the way for countries like
    Brazil and Thailand, which have relatively
    low production costs, to increase their share of
    UK imports. And as British chicken becomes
    pricier, they could even start encroaching on
    domestic sales. “My concern with a no-deal is
    that these countries start putting in products
    that we just can’t compete with on price,” says
    BPC CEO Richard Griffiths.

Setting the standards
Currently, any countries exporting to the UK
must meet EU equivalency on food safety and
hygiene standards. But the latest exposé con-
cerning Brazilian chicken exports infected
with salmonella reaching UK shores suggests
those standards aren’t always upheld. And
a no-deal Brexit would leave the UK free to
relax standards in the pursuit of trade agree-
ments with countries like the US – meaning
chlorinated chicken could end up on shelves.
Which is a source of concern for animal
welfare organisation Compassion in World
Farming. “If the 25% rise in price is realised,
such a big increase in costs could lead to an
increase of imports from countries with lower
animal welfare and food safety standards,”
says senior policy manager James West. “This
could result in poorer consumers having to
‘make do’ with low quality imports.”
So far, the government has insisted it won’t
relax UK food standards after Brexit. But with
Trump warning agriculture would have to
be up for grabs as part of any trade deal with
the US, there is no telling what will happen.
Of course, even if lower-quality imports
do make their way into the country, that
doesn’t mean they will sell. Research by
Harris Interactive for The Grocer in 2017 sug-
gested over 60% of Brits were worried about
chlorinated chicken, and only 15% would be
convinced to buy it because it was cheaper.
Given those attitudes, supermarkets might
also be reluctant to allow chlorinated chicken
on to their shelves. “A lot of the retailers have
an all-British policy anyway and I don’t see
why they would want food hygiene standards
going backwards,” says Cranswick’s Brisby.
If Brits aren’t prepared to lower their stand-
ards, it may simply be a case of cutting back.
Moy Park’s Winstanley believes chicken’s
“near-universal appeal” means it is unlikely
consumers will cut it out altogether. Still, you
only need to look at the performance of turkey
and duck (see left) to see the impact of price
on volumes. So the era of 26 whole chickens
per household might just be over.
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