The Grocer – 20 July 2019

(Chris Devlin) #1

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Defra’s Emily Miles

becomes CEO of FSA

Miles boasts a civil service career spanning 20 years

Kevin White
The Food Standards
Agency has appointed
Defra’s Emily Miles as its
new CEO, replacing Jason
Feeney, who retired last
Miles, who joins the
FSA in September, boasts
a civil service career
spanning almost 20 years
and is currently the act-
ing director general for
Defra’s Brexit delivery
She joined Defra in
November 2015 as its
group director of strat-
egy, and has co-ordi-
nated work on the
domestic consequences
of Brexit for Defra since
the referendum in 2016.
Prior to her work with
Defra, Miles largely spe-
cialised in home affairs
at the Home Office,

Downing Street and
Cabinet Office.
Her previous roles
have included director
of policing at the Home
Office; director for the
programme to clear
the UK’s historic asy-
lum caseload backlog in
the UK Border Agency;
and the programme
director for the close of

the National Policing
Improvement Agency
and the establishment of
the College of Policing.
She was also a policy
advisor on home affairs
to former prime minis-
ter Tony Blair from 2002
to 2005.
Miles brought “an
impressive track record
in developing strategy

and excellent outcomes
across government, in
Defra, the Cabinet Office
and the Home Office”,
said FSA chair Heather
“She joins us at a
pivotal moment in
food regulation, as we
implement our new
regulatory regime
outside the EU, manage
the short-term impacts
of leaving the EU, and
drive forward our
modernisation plans,”
she added.
Miles was “delighted”
to be joining the FSA
and said she was look-
ing forward to “lead-
ing the department as
it faces the challenges
of EU exit while deliv-
ering its ambitious pro-
gramme of regulatory

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Interested? See p55.

i want that job

my alternative cv

What was your first
job? I worked as a retail
sales assistant in John
Lewis over the Christmas
period when I was 17. I
was too young to use the
tills, so I spent hour upon
hour hanging clothes on
rails – all good learning...
What’s been your worst
job interview? I went to
an assessment centre
for a graduate scheme a
few years ago and at the
end we got put into ‘yes’
and ‘no’ rooms – it all felt
very ‘X Factor’!
What was the first music
single you bought?
Stronger by Britney
How do you describe
your job to your mates? I

create and execute excit-
ing innovation and com-
munication plans for the
fastest growing bread
brand – Allinson’s – and
eat a lot of yummy bread
in the process.
What is the most reward-
ing part of your job?
Seeing new products I’ve
launched on shelf.
What is the least reward-
ing part? Hearing con-
sumers vilify packaged
What is your motto in
life? You only live once.
If you were allowed one
dream perk, what would
it be? Bring your pets to
work, I love animals!
Do you have any pho-
bias? Injections. Fainting

in Boots was an all-time
low... Fortunately, my
love of travelling has
forced me into lots of
immunisation jabs so I’m
well on my way to con-
quering that fear!
If you could change one
thing in grocery, what
would it be? The limited
shelf space for smaller
What luxury would you
have on a desert island?
A good (very long) book.
What animal most
reflects your personal-
ity? A meerkat – inquis-
itive, observant and
happiest when sur-
rounded by others.
What’s your favourite
film and why? The Harry

Potter series – growing
up reading the books and
seeing them come alive
was magical as a child.
What’s been your most
embarrassing moment?
Falling off a treadmill in
the gym and having to
sign an incident form in
front of everyone.
Which celebrity would
you most like to work
with and why? Michelle
Obama – I’ve just read
her book and it was
What would your death
row meal be? I try to be
healthy – so this would
be my opportunity to go
mad. Deep fried, cheese
covered, sugar laden eve-
rything please!

Charlotte Peterson
Brand manager, Allinson’s
Bread, Allied Bakeries, on
Britney Spears, injections
and Harry Potter

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