Rome, the Greek World, and the East, Vol. 3 - The Greek World, the Jews, and the East

(sharon) #1

 Jews and Others

ff., Temple of Azzanathkona
ff., ins. –
ff., ins. –
Sixth Season (/)()
ff., Temple of Artemis-Nanaia
ff., ins. (Cumont, no. ), /..;–

Seventh and Eighth Seasons (/ and /)()
ff., Fortifications, Parthian period
ff., ins. – (../, /, /) from site of (later)
ff., Temple of Adonis
f., ins.  (..),  (..),  (../), (,..;

ff., Temple of Zeus Theos
ff., ins. – (../–/)

ff., Temple of Gaddé
ff., Reliefs of Gad of Dura (pl. XXXIII); Gad of Palmyra
(pl. XXXIV); Iarhibol (pl. XXXV.)  figures  and  above
ff., ins. – (Greek); – (..), – (Palmyrene)

ff., Temple of Zeus Kyrios
ff., ins.  (../);  (../, Greek-Palmyrene)

ff., Necropolis Temple
f., ins.  (/.., Palmyrene); – (Greek)

Ninth Season (/), pts. I–III ()
S. B. Matheson, ‘‘The Tenth Season at Dura-Europos, –,’’Syria
 (): –.

(b) Inscriptions

See also (a) above

SEGII, nos. –; VII, nos. – (SEGdid not collect the
inscriptions from Dura afterReportIV of /).
R. Mesnil du Buisson,Inventaire des inscriptions palmyréniennes de Doura-
Europos(), esp. nos.  (/..),  (../), –
R. N. Frye, J. F. Gilliam, H. Ingholt, and C. B. Welles, ‘‘Inscriptions from
Dura-Europos,’’YCS (): –. Note esp. ins.  (temple of

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