Rome, the Greek World, and the East, Vol. 3 - The Greek World, the Jews, and the East

(sharon) #1
Dura-Europos under Parthian Rule 

Atargatis,../);  (..);  (Greek/Palmyrene); – (Parthian
J. Teixidor, ‘‘Parthian Officials in Lower Mesopotamia,’’Mesopotamia
(): –.
D. Hillers and E. Cussini,Palmyrene Aramaic Texts(), nos. ff.; .

(c) Greek Documents written on Parchment

C. B. Welles, R. O. Fink, and J. F. Gilliam,Dura Final ReportV.:The
Parchments and Papyri(New Haven, ).
H. M. Cotton, W. E. H. Cockle, and F. G. B. Millar, ‘‘The Papyrology of
the Roman Near East: A Survey,’’JRS (): –.

Cotton, Cockle,
P. Dura and Millar,
number survey number Content

 Deed of gift...
 Mutual distribution.../. See C. Saliou,
‘‘Les quatre fils de Polémocratès (P. Dura):
texte et archéologie,’’Syria (): –.
 Application by tax farmer. Late first century..
 Registry roll. Late first century.
 Report of litigation? First/second century.
 Antichretic loan.... Written in P(h)aliga.
 Antichretic loan. First half of second century.
 Loan on security.../.

Antichretic loan.... Written in Ossa.
 Acknowledgement of debt.../.

 Deed of sale.... Institutions of Dura.

(d) Coins

A. R. Bellinger, ed.,Final ReportVI:The Coins(), nos. –: Coins of
Parthian kings from Mithridates I (–..) to Vologases V

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