
(Kiana) #1


Shy personality, 515
Sickle-cell anemia, 315
SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), 151
Siegel, Jerry, 142
Sight, 95, 97–105
brightness, 97
color, 97, 102–105
color blindness, 105
dark adaptation, 101–102
how the eye works, 101–102
light, perceptual properties of, 97–98
light adaptation, 102
night blindness, 101–102
saturation, 98
structure of the eye, 98–101
visible spectrum, 97, 98
visual pathyway, 101–102
Sigma, A-6
Signal detection theory, 96
Significant difference, A-11
Similarity, 122, 488
Simon, Théodore, 282
Simple cells, 126
Singer, Jerome, 381–382
Single-blind study, 32
Single photon emission computed tomography
(SPECT), 71
Situational cause of behavior, 479
Situational context, 545
The Sixteen Personality Factor (16PF) Questionnaire,
522, 532, 533
Size constancy, 120
Skewed distribution, A-4–A-5, A-7
Skinner, B. F., 12, 189
Skinner box, 189
Skin senses, 116–117
defined, 116
Sleep, 140–151. See also Dreams
adaptive theory of, 143–144
biology of, 140–142
body temperature and, 142
circadian rhythms, 141
deep, 146
delta waves, 146
deprivation, 144–145
lack of, 144–145
length required, 142
light, 146
melatonin and, 141–142
memory and, 260–261
memory and learning and, PIA-14
microsleeps, 143
REM sleep, 146–148
requirements, 141–142
restorative theory of, 144
sleep disorders, 148–151
sleep spindles, 146
sleep-wake cycles, 142, 143
stages of, 145–148
theories of, 143–144
typical night’s sleep, 144
Sleep apnea, 151
Sleep deprivation, 144–145
Sleep disorders, 148–151
circadian rhythm disorders, 151
enuresis, 151
hypersomnia, 150, 151
insomnia, 150
narcolepsy, 151
nightmares, 148–149
night terrors, 149, 151
nocturnal leg cramps, 151
REM behavior disorder, 148–149
restless leg syndrome, 151
sleep apnea, 151
sleepwalking, 149, 151

Sleep paralysis, 147
Sleep spindles, 146
Sleep-wake cycle, 140–141
Sleepwalking (somnabulism), 149, 151
Slow to warm up temperament, 331
Slow-wave sleep, 146
Smell, 96, 111–112, 114–115
development of, 324
SMS. See Space motion sickness (SMS)
SNRIs. See Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake
inhibitors (SNRIs)
Social anxiety disorder (social phobia), 551,
553, 555
exposure therapy, 598
group therapy for, 606
therapy for, 606
Social categorization, 477–478, 485
Social cognition, 471–481
attitude change, 474–475
attitude formation, 473–474
attitudes, 471–474
attribution, 478–481
cognitive dissonance, 475–477
defined, 471
implicit personality theories, 478
impression formation, 477–478
social categorization, 477–478
Social cognitive learning theorists, 515
Social cognitive theorists, 515
Social cognitive theory
on hypnosis, 160
on personality, 515–517
on prejudice, 484
Social comparison, 485, 486
Social components of hunger, 370–371
Social differences, gender and, 402
Social facilitation, 463–464
Social factors in stress, 443–444
Social identity, 485
Social identity theory, 485
Social impairment, 463
Social influence, 460–471
compliance, 464–466
conformity, 460–462
defined, 460
deindividuation, 464
group behavior, 462–464
group polarization, 463
groupthink, 462–463
informational, 462, 463
normative, 462, 463
obedience, 466–468
social facilitation, 463–464
social impairment, 463
social loafing, 463–464
Social interaction, 482–500
aggression, 490–494
interpersonal attraction, 487–489
prejudice and discrimination, 482–487
prosocial behavior, 494–497
scapegoating, 483–484
social neuroscience, 499–500
triangular theory of love, 489–490
Social learning theory, 516–517
Gender-role development and, 399–400
Social loafing, 463–464
Social neuroscience, 499–500
Social norm deviance, 545
Social psychologists, 361, B8
Social psychology, 13, 458–499, B-6
aggression, 490–494
interpersonal attraction, 487–489
prosocial behavior, 494–497
social cognition, 471–481
social influence, 460–471
social interaction, 482–500

social neuroscience, 499–500
triangular theory of love, 489–490
Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS), 424, 425
Social role-playing, hypnosis as, 160
Social roles, aggression and, 492–493
Social-support system, stress and, 451–452
Sociobiologists, on altruism, 494
Sociocultural factors
in scientific inquiry, 530
in sexual dysfunction, 571
Sociocultural perspective, 13
on abnormality, 547–548
Soma, 46
Somatic nervous system, 59–60
Somatic pain, 116
Somatosensory cortex, 79, 80, 116, 117, 118
Somesthetic senses, 116–118
defined, 116
Somnambulism, 149, 151
Sonogram, 321
Sound, perception of, 107–108
Sound waves, 107–108
Source traits, 522
Space motion sickness (SMS), 119
Spanking, 197, 198–199, 207
SPARIs. See Serotonin partial agonist/reuptake
inhibitors (SPARIs)
Spatial neglect, 81–82
Spearman, Charles, 278
Specific phobia, 554
SPECT. See Single photon emission computed
tomography (SPECT)
Sperling, George, 228–229
Sperling’s test, 228–229
Sperm, 393
Spermarche, 393
Sperry, Roger, 82–84
Spinal cord, 57
Spinal cord reflex, 57
Spinocerebellar degeneration, 75
Split-brain research, 82–84
Spontaneous abortion, 321
Spontaneous recovery, 181–182, 200–201
Sports psychologists, 361, B-12–B-13
Sports psychology, B-8, B-12
Springer, James Arthur, 526
SQ3R method, PIA-8, PIA-13
SRRS. See Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)
SSRIs. See Selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs)
Stagnation, 345
Standard deviation (SD), 284–285, A-8–A-9
Standardization of tests, 284
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition, 282
Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, 158
Stanford prison experiment, 464, 492
Startle reflex, 323
State-dependent learning, 240
Statistical deviance, 545
Statistical significance, A10–A12
Statistics, A1–A13
analysis of variance, A-11
bell curve, A-4
bimodal distributions, A-5, A-7
central tendency, measures of, A-2, A-5–A-7
chi-square tests, A-11
correlation, defined, A-12
correlation coefficient, A-12–A-13
defined, A-1
descriptive, A-2–A-10
frequency distribution, A-2–A-5
frequency polygon, A-3–A-4
F-test, A-11
histogram, A-3
inferential, A-10–A-13
negatively skewed distribution, A-4

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