Oded Galor - Az emberiség utazása

(BlackTrush) #1

Galor, Oded: „A two-sector overlapping-generations model: A global
characterization of the dynamical system”, Econometrica 60, no. 6 (1992),
Galor, Oded és Marc Klemp: „Human Genealogy Reveals a Selective
Advantage to Moderate Fecundity”, Nature Ecology & Evolution 3, no. 5
(2019), 853–7.
Galor, Oded és Marc Klemp: „Roots of Autocracy”, Working paper No.
w23301, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2018.
Galor, Oded és Andrew Mountford: „Trading Population for Productivity:
Theory and evidence”, The Review of Economic Studies 75, no. 4 (2008),
Galor, Oded és Andrew Mountford: „Trade and the great divergence: the
family connection”, American Economic Review 96, no. 2 (2006), 299–303.
Galor, Oded és Omer Moav: „The neolithic origins of contemporary
variations in life expectancy”, SSRN 1012650 (2007).
Galor, Oded és Omer Moav: „Das Human-Kapital: A theory of the demise
of the class structure”, The Review of Economic Studies 73, no. 1 (2006),
Galor, Oded és Omer Moav: „Natural selection and the evolution of life
expectancy”, (2005).
Galor, Oded és Omer Moav: „From Physical to Human Capital
Accumulation: Inequality and the Process of Development”, The Review of
Economic Studies 71, no. 4 (2004), 1001–26.
Galor, Oded és Omer Moav: „Natural Selection and the Origin of
Economic Growth”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics 117, no. 4 (2002),
Galor, Oded és Omer Moav: „Ability-biased technological transition,
wage inequality, and economic growth”, The Quarterly Journal of
Economics 115, no. 2 (2000), 469–97.
Galor, Oded, Omer Moav és Dietrich Vollrath: „Inequality in
Landownership, the Emergence of Human-Capital Promoting Institutions,
and the Great Divergence”, The Review of Economic Studies 76, no. 1
(2009), 143–79.
Galor, Oded és Stelios Michalopoulos: „Evolution and the Growth
Process: Natural selection of entrepreneurial traits”, Journal of Economic
Theory 147, no. 2 (2012), 759–80.
Galor, Oded és Ömer Özak: „The Agricultural Origins of Time
Preference”, American Economic Review 106, no. 10 (2016), 3064–103.
Galor, Oded, Ömer Özak és Assaf Sarid: „Geographical Roots of the
Coevolution of Cultural and Linguistic Traits”, SSRN 3284239 (2018).

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