Oded Galor - Az emberiség utazása

(BlackTrush) #1

Galor, Oded, Ömer Özak és Assaf Sarid: „Linguistic Traits and Human
Capital Formation”, AEA Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 110 (2020), 309–13.
Galor, Oded és Harl E. Ryder: „Existence, uniqueness, and stability of
equilibrium in an overlapping-generations model with productive capital”,
Journal of Economic Theory 49, no. 2 (1989), 360–75.
Galor, Oded és Viacheslav Savitskiy: „Climatic Roots of Loss Aversion”,
Working Papers 2018-1, Brown University, Department of Economics, 2018.
Galor, Oded és Daniel Tsiddon: „Technological progress, mobility, and
economic growth”, American Economic Review (1997), 363–82.
Galor, Oded és Daniel Tsiddon: „The distribution of human capital and
economic growth”, Journal of Economic Growth 2, no. 1 (1997), 93–124.
Galor, Oded és David N. Weil: „Population, Technology, and Growth:
From Malthusian Stagnation to the Demographic Transition and Beyond”,
American Economic Review 90, no. 4 (2000), 806–28.
Galor Oded és David N. Weil: „The Gender Gap, Fertility, and Growth”,
American Economic Review 86, no. 3 (1996), 374–87.
Galor, Oded és Joseph Zeira: „Income Distribution and
Macroeconomics”, The Review of Economic Studies 60, no. 1 (1993), 35–52.
Gates, Bill: Hogyan kerüljük el a klímakatasztrófát: Lehetőségeink a
megoldást jelentő áttöréshez, Budapest, Libri, 2021.
Giavazzi, Francesco, Ivan Petkov és Fabio Schiantarelli: „Culture:
Persistence and Evolution”, Journal of Economic Growth 24, no. 2 (2019),
Gibbons, Ann: „How farming shaped Europeans’ immunity”, Science
373, no. 6560 (2021), 1186.
Glaeser, Edward L., Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes és
Andrei Shleifer: „Do Institutions Cause Growth?”, Journal of Economic
Growth 9, no. 3 (2004), 271–303.
Glaeser, Edward L. és Andrei Shleifer: „Legal origins”, The Quarterly
Journal of Economics 117, no. 4 (2002), 1193–229.
Goldin, Claudia: „America’s graduation from high school: The evolution
and spread of secondary schooling in the twentieth century”, The Journal of
Economic History 58, no. 2 (1998), 345–74.
Goldin, Claudia: „Understanding the gender gap: An economic history of
American women”, No. gold90-1, National Bureau of Economic Research,
Goldin, C.: „Women’s Employment and Technological Change: A
Historical Perspective”, Computer Chips and Paper Clips: Technology and
Women’s Employment 2 (1987), 185–222.

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