Advances in the Syntax of DPs - Structure, agreement, and case

(ff) #1

The structure of null subject DPs and agreement in Polish impersonal constructions 147

exclusively. In other words, the sentences in (27) can only be used with respect to a
male or mixed (female and male) group of referents.

(27) a. Pracowano jako nauczyciele.
worked as
‘[People] worked as teachers.’

b. Bywano zmęczonymi.
‘[People] used to be tired.’

This very simplified account of how interpretation and agreement with predicative
complements in impersonal constructions could be established shows that treating null
pronouns in the two impersonal constructions in question as complex hierarchically

(i) Cmax

[Gender, Number]


TopP C

Cmin Tmax


SIEmin pro

[Speaker] [Addressee]

[Participant] [Individuation]

tSIĘmax Voice

Voicemin vmax

vmin Vmax

Tmin Voicemax

SIĘmax T

[Group] [Minimal] [Class]

[Non-specfic] [Plural] [Animate] [Inanimate/Neuter]

[Generic] [Arbitrary] [Feminine][Masculine]

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