Advances in Role and Reference Grammar

(singke) #1

as be-at' is the logical constant describing endpoint  and NOT be-at', the
starting point A. The necessity of positing a separate primitive for path, as
well as a separate argument slot in the semantic structure of motion
accomplishments, is based on Dowty's interval semantics analysis of
changes of location:
Traveling from place A to place  is not merely changing from being at A
to not being at A, nor is it changing from not being at  to being at B, but
is apparently the conjunction of these two changes. (142)
Be-via' thus specifies the conjunction of two state changes.

2.5 Analysis of semantic structures: to and from

Creswell's analysis of the spatial point of view as a journey is useful in
describing the semantic structures of to and from. Bennett's (1975) perspec­
tive is similar:
From marks the beginning of any sort of movement or transition and to
marks the end. Information on what kind of movement or transition is
involved in a given utterance is supplied by other lexemes in the environ­

2.5.1 Non-predicative functions
The function of to and from as specified points in a journey is readily appar­
ent in a motion accomplishment context such as (29). As identified in the
LS for this sentence, the LS for nonpredicative to = [BECOME be-at'
(x,z)] where ζ is the agent-theme (Rita) and χ is the locative/goal (store).
The LS for from = [BECOME NOT be-at' (x,y)], where  is the agent-
theme (Rita) and χ is the locative-source (school). The positive/negative
components in the semantic structures of to and from have been intuitively
recognized by numerous analysts, although not satisfactorily explained. For
example, Martin & Rulon (1973:136) comment on the fact that and appears
to be replaced by to with a positive connotation and from, with a negative
connotation, in sentences such as (40) and (41).
(40) Sugar is similar to salt. (Sugar and salt are similar)
(41) Cats are different from dogs. (Cats and dogs are different)
Gruber analyses to/from, into/out of and onto/off/of as mirror image
relationships having positive and negative values. Hawkins also discusses
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