(47) Se-moyen
II s'est vendu beaucoup de livres.
it SE IS sold many of books
"Many books have sold."
(48) Passive
Ces livres sont vendus.
these books are sold
"These books were sold."
(49) Reflexives
Jean s'est lavée.
Jean SE IS washed
"Jean has washed himself."
(50) Verbes pronominaux
Ils se sont echappées de prison.
they SE are escaped from prison
"They escaped from prison."
A list of the verbs of motion which take être (taken from Hardy-Essid
(1986)) is given in (51); examples are given in (52)-(53).
(51) aller "to go", partir "to leave", sortir "to go out", monter "to go
up", descender "to go down", tomber "to fall", venir "to come",
arriver "to arrive", entrer "to go in", revenir "to come back",
retourner "to return", rentrer "to come in again", rester "to stay",
devenir "to become", naître "to be born", mourir "to die"
(52) Pierre est arrivée.
Pierre is arrived
"Pierre has arrived."
(53) Pierre est mort.
Pierre is died
"Pierre died."
This list includes concrete verbs of motion as well as three change-of-state
verbs: devenir "to become", naître "to be born", mourir "to die". However,
as noted in Hardy-Essid (1986), except for these few verbs, other verbs of
motion and change-of-state take avoir as auxiliary (e.g. marcher "to walk",
rouler "to roll", vieiller "to get old", grandir "to grow up", etc.), so motion
per se can at best be viewed only as a necessary condition for membership