
(vip2019) #1


A net is a 2D shape that can be cut out, folded, and stuck
together to make a 3D shape. Some 3D shapes, such as the
cube on this page, can be made from many different nets.

The shape is
creased along the
lines dividing the squares.
When the lines are folded,
they will form the edges
of the cube.

The squares round
the central square
will be the cube’s sides.
The square furthest
from the centre square
will be the lid.

The flat net has
now been turned
into a cube.

Sharp creases help
form the shape

The end square forms
the lid

Net of a cube TRY IT OUT

Find more nets
Here are three more nets of
a cube. There are actually 11
different nets for a cube – can
you work out any others?

This shape, made of six
squares, can be folded
to make a cube. In
geometry, we say the
shape is a net of a cube.

A net is what a 3D
shape looks like when
it’s opened out flat.

Answer on page 320

228_229_3D_Nets.indd 228 29/02/2016 18:05

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