
(vip2019) #1
quadrilaterals Calculating angles inside

Find the missing angle
So, now we know that the angles in a quadrilateral add up to 360°.
We can use this fact to work out missing angles in quadrilaterals.




Now let's take 300°
away from 360°:
360° − 300° = 60°

So the missing
angle is 60º.

Look at this shape. What's
the missing angle?

We know that three of the
angles are 75°, 95°, and
130°. Lets add them together:
75° + 95° + 130° = 300°

Put the angles round a point
You can tear the corners off a
quadrilateral and arrange them
round a point, like this. We know
that angles round a point add up
to 360°, so the quadrilateral's
angles must add up to 360°, too.

Make triangles
A quadrilateral can be split into
two triangles, like this. We know
that the angles in a triangle add up
to 180º. That means the angles in a
quadrilateral add up to 2 × 180º,
which is 360º.

Draw a dividing
line between
opposite vertices

Rearrange the
corners to fit
round a point

Tear off the
four corners


Calculating angles

inside quadrilaterals

The angles inside a quadrilateral always add up to 360°.
There are two ways we can prove that this is true.

The angles inside a
quadrilateral always
add up to 360°.

244_245_Angles_in_quads.indd 245 29/02/2016 18:05

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