
(vip2019) #1

Angles inside polygons

More sides means bigger angles
All the angles in a regular polygon are the same size. So, if you know one
angle, you know them all. Look at these polygons. You can see that the
more sides a regular polygon has, the larger its angles become.

Angles inside regular and irregular polygons
The angles inside polygons with the same number of sides always add up
to the same amount. Let's look at the angles inside two different hexagons.

All angles
are 120°

Polygons get their names from the number of their sides
and angles. We learned about polygons' sides on pages
218-19. Now we're going to focus on their angles.


152º 113º




The sum of the angles
inside a polygon
depends on how many
sides it has.

Pentagon Hexagon Heptagon Octagon

108° 120° 128.6° 135°

8 sides and
8 angles

7 sides and
7 angles

6 sides and
6 angles

5 sides and
5 angles

Regular hexagon
The angles inside this regular hexagon are
all the same size. The six angles of 120° add
up to a total of 720°.

Irregular hexagon
In this irregular hexagon, each angle is
different. But when you add them up, the total is
720° – the same as for the regular hexagon.

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