
(Dana P.) #1
Sauvignon Blanc,
Bordeaux 2018, £8.50
Sauvignon Blanc is a classic
match with goat’s cheese
and, alongside its grassiness
and gooseberriness, drier
versions have a whiff of
freshly-shelled peas, too.
It’s just the ticket to match
the freshness of radish
and watercress, but also a
good foil to the salty feta.

Reserve Red 2015, £8.50
With hogget you need
something rich in fruit, light
in structure and classy. This
hits all the buttons, and is
great value to boot. It’s rich
enough to match the lamb,
Italian enough to cope with
the garlic, yet light enough
not to overpower the
delicate herby flavours.

Rutherglen Muscat, £17
for a half bottle
The rhubarb’s sharpness is
cushioned by the custard –
a great combo. This dessert
wine is sweet and rich, so
won’t be dominated by the
jelly’s tartness, while the
honeyed side of this wine
adds to the texture, making
for a wonderful melding
of textures in the mouth.



For more details on the wines featured,
for food and wine matching tips, or to join
The Wine Society, visit

Serves 6
800g rhubarb, cut into 1in pieces
80g caster sugar
5 gelatine leaves, soaked in cold
water for 5 mins
500g custard – homemade or shop-
Handful of amaretti biscuits

1 Place the rhubarb and sugar in a
heavy bottomed pan over a low heat.
Place a lid on the pan and allow the
rhubarb to cook in the sugar until
all of its juices have been released,
stirring occasionally.
2 Pass the liquid and fruit pulp
through a sieve and then strain
the liquid through a muslin.
3 Once strained, transfer the liquid
to a saucepan along with the soaked
gelatine. Stirring constantly, gently
heat until the gelatine has dissolved.
4 Pour the jelly into six small glasses
and leave to cool, before transferring
to the fridge to set overnight.
4 To serve, top each jelly with
custard and sprinkle over some
crushed amaretti biscuits.

Rhubarb jelly
& custard

A combination of kids’ classic and
adult trif le in one delicious bowl

Sauvignon Blanc,
Bordeaux 2018, £8.50
Sauvignon Blanc is a classic
match with goat’s cheese
and, alongside its grassiness
and gooseberriness, drier
versions have a whiff of
freshly-shelled peas, too.
It’s just the ticket to match
the freshness of radish
and watercress, but also a
good foil to the salty feta.

Reserve Red 2015, £8.50
With hogget you need
something rich in fruit, light
in structure and classy. This
hits all the buttons, and is
great value to boot. It’s rich
enough to match the lamb,
Italian enough to cope with
the garlic, yet light enough
not to overpower the
delicate herby flavours.

Rutherglen Muscat, £17
for a half bottle
The rhubarb’s sharpness is
cushioned by the custard –
a great combo. This dessert
wine is sweet and rich, so
won’t be dominated by the
jelly’s tartness, while the
honeyed side of this wine
adds to the texture, making
for a wonderful melding
of textures in the mouth.



For more details on the wines featured,
for food and wine matching tips, or to join
The Wine Society, visit

Serves 6
800grhubarb,cutinto 1inpieces
5 gelatineleaves,soakedin cold
waterfor5 mins
500gcustard– homemadeor shop-
Handfulof amarettibiscuits

1 Placetherhubarbandsugarin a
heavybottomedpanovera lowheat.
Placea lidonthepanandallowthe
rhubarbto cookin thesugaruntil
all of itsjuiceshavebeenreleased,
2 Pass the liquid and fruit pulp
through a sieve and then strain
the liquid through a muslin.
3 Once strained, transfer the liquid
to a saucepan along with the soaked
gelatine. Stirring constantly, gently
heat until the gelatine has dissolved.
4 Pour the jelly into six small glasses
and leave to cool, before transferring
to the fridge to set overnight.
4 To serve, top each jelly with
custard and sprinkle over some
crushed amaretti biscuits.

Rhubarb jelly

& custard

A combination of kids’ classic and
adult trif le in one delicious bowl

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