A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

268 Chapter 9 VPs and verbal marking

  1. bisa ‘can’

The auxiliary bisa is an abilitive, indicating the capability of the subject to per-
form the action denoted by the verb, as in (70) and (71).

(70) Sa=diyah bisa maca buku rowa.
Sa'diyah can AV.read book that
‘Sa'diyah can read that book.’

(71) Mata-na Dewi Ratnadi bisa mella' pole, lo' buta pole.
eye-DEF Dewi Ratnadi can AV.open.eye again not blind again
‘And Dewi Ratnadi could open her eyes, and she was no longer blind.’

  1. gi' ‘still, yet’

Gi' ‘still, yet’ is an adverbial that indicates that some state of affairs is still ob-
tains or is in progress. Thus, it imperfective aspect, as when it modifies adjec-
tival predicates, as in (72).

(72) Mon gi' ngodha, barna-na biru.
if yet young color-DEF green
‘If it is still young, its color is green.’

With active verbs, gi' + verb has a progressive interpretation, as in (73) and

(73) Tang ana' gi' a-sapo kamar-ra.
my child yet AV-sweep room-DEF
‘My child is sweeping his room.’

(74) Ebu polana gi' a-bajang, ta' kengeng Ebu nyambit. 
mother because yet AV-pray not allowed mother AV.answer
‘Because mother was saying her prayers, she could not answer.’

As illustrated in section 3, imperfectivity can be denoted by reduplication. Ad-
ditionally, use of the temporal noun sateya ‘now’ indicates that the state of af-
fairs is true at the time of speaking, and is thus interpreted as progressive with
active predicates, as in (75).

(75) Tang ana' a-sapo kamar-ra sateya.
my child AV-sweep room-DEF now
‘My child sweeps/is sweeping his room now.’

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