A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

362 Chapter 11 Complex sentences

Speakers report that although the same basic state of affairs is presented in the
pair in (112), in (112a) Ita is proving that a certain event took place, but in
(112b) she is proving some fact about Hasan, and thus is attributing something
to Hasan. Similarly, in (110a), the sentence asserts that Ita did not know a par-
ticular fact, while (110b) asserts that Ita did not know something about Ali, in
particular the fact that he gave money to Amir. These different interpretations
parallel the facts of the pair of English sentences in (113).

(113) a. Many thought that Kate had been selected as Daughter of theYear.
b. Many thought about Kate that she had been selected as Daughter of
the Year.

This lack of synonymy does not occur between basic and raising structures in

(114) a. Many believe that Kate had been selected as Daughter of the Year.
b. Many believe Kate to have been selected as Daughter of the Year.

The facts described thus far are consistent with an analysis in which the
argument shared between the matrix and embedded clauses occurs in both
clauses. The fact that an overt pronoun in the complement clause is possible
supports such an analysis.

(115) Ina a-bala'-agi Nabun ka Ebu' ja' aba'eng a-berri' konce juwa
Ina AV-say-AGI Nabun to mother COMP she AV-give key that
dha' Sa'diyah.
to Sa'diyah
‘Ina said about Nabun to Mother that she gave the key to Sa'diyah.’

The complement clause in (115) includes a pronominal subject aba'eng ‘she’
which obligatorily refers to Nabun, a matrix dependent. The sentence in (115) is
completely synonymous with (104b), which contains no overt pronoun in the
complement. Inasmuch as null pronouns are quite common in Madurese, espe-
cially in subject position, it is plausible that there is a null pronoun in (104b),
again coreferential with the matrix dependent Nabun, and that (99b) is more
faithfully represented as in (116), where pro represents a null pronoun that is
coindexed with Nabun.

(116) Ina a-bala'-agi Nabuni ka Ebu' ja' proi a-berri' konce juwa
Ina AV-say-AGI Nabun to mother COMP AV-give key that
dha' Sa'diyah.
to Sa'diyah
‘Ina said about Nabun to Mother that she gave the key to Sa'diyah.’

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