Prolepsis 363
Overt pronouns are also acceptable in the embedded clauses in other examples.
There is a preference for the overt pronoun not to be too close to its antecedent,
so the most acceptable sentences are those with matrix object voice. (117) is
synonymous with (110b), and (118) synonymous with (98b).
(117) Ali lo' e-ka-tao-we Ita ja' la mare a-berri' pesse
Ali not OV-KA-know-LOC Ita COMP already finish AV-give money
ka Amir.
to Amir
‘Ita didn’t know about Ali that he had given money to Amir.’
(118) Ina e-kera (bi') Siti ja' mangkat ka Jakarta are Kemmes.
Ina OV-think by Siti COMP leave to Jakarta day Thursday
‘Siti thinks that Ina left for Jakarta on Thursday.’
It is notable that the matrix NP need not be a subject in the embedded
clause. In (119), Hasan is the agent of the embedded clause, and would be ex-
pected to occur postverbally. In (120) Hasan is the possessor of the object of
the embedded clause, ana’ ‘child’, and in (121) Hasan is the possessor of the
subject of the embedded clause. In each case, a null pronoun occupies the ex-
pected location of the NP although an overt pronoun is also possible.^
(119) Siti ngera Hasani ja' motor juwa e-belli proi.
Siti AV.think Hasan COMP car that OV-buy
‘Siti thinks that Hasan bought that car.’
(120) Siti ngera Hasani ja' dhokter juwa mareksa ana'-eng proi.
Siti AV.think Hasan COMP doctor that AV.examine child-DEF
‘Siti thinks that the doctor examined Hasan’s child.’
(121) Marlena a-bala'-agi Hasani ja' embi'-eng proi ngekke' Ali.
Marlena AV-say-AGI Hasan COMP goat-DEF AV.bite Ali
‘Marlena said that Hasan’s goat bit Ali.’
Object positions are licit as well:
(122) Siti ngera Hasani ja' dhokter juwa mareksa aba'engi.
Siti AV.think Hasan COMP doctor that AV.examine he
‘Siti thinks that the doctor examined Hasan.’