A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

434 Chapter 13 Anaphora

(78) Eppa' maksa Wati ___ melle maen-an kaangguy Ale'.
father AV.force Wati AV.buy play-NOM for yngr.sibling
‘Father forced Wati to buy a toy for Little Brother.’

In (77), the complement subject is null and its reference supplied by the matrix
subject, Ina ban Siti. In (78), it is the matrix object Wati that determines the
referent of the null complement subject. The sentences in (79) and (80) are va-
riants of (77) and (78), respectively, in which the complement clause is in the
object voice rather than the actor voice.

(79) Ina ban Siti nolak perman-na e-bagi ___ dha' embug-ga.
Ina and Siti AV.refuse candy-DEF OV-give to eld.sister-DEF
‘Ina and Siti refused to give their candy to their older sister.’

(80) Eppa' maksa Wati maen-an e-belli ___ kaangguy Ale'.
father AV.force Wati play-NOM OV-buy for yngr.sibling
‘Father forced Wati to buy a toy for Little Brother.’

In (79), the embedded subject of the object voice predicate ebagi ‘give’ is per-
menna ‘their candy’. Here the coreferential argument is the non-overt actor,
which is understood to be Ina ban Siti. Similarly, in (80), the embedded subject
is maenan ‘toy’. However, the matrix object Wati is coreferential with the null
embedded actor of belli ‘buy’. Control into complement clauses is discussed in
detail in Chapter 11 section 4.
Another structure requiring coreference between matrix and complement
dependents is the prolepsis structure. In this structure an extra object argument
in the matrix clause is obligatorily coreferential with a complement clause de-
pendent. Unlike the control structure, the structure is not restricted to comple-
ment subject or actors but admits any grammatical dependent of the comple-

(81) Inai e-kera (bi') Siti ja’ ___i mangkat ka Jakarta are Kemmes.
Ina OV-think by Siti COMP leave to Jakarta day Thursday
‘Siti thinks that Ina left for Jakarta on Thursday.’

(82) Siti ngera Hasani ja' motor juwa e-belli ___i.
Siti AV.think Hasan COMP car that OV-buy
‘Siti thinks that Hasan bought that car.’

(83) Siti ngera Hasani ja' dhokter juwa mareksa ana'-eng ___i.
Siti AV.think Hasan COMP doctor that AV.examine child-DEF
‘Siti thinks that the doctor examined Hasan’s child.’

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