Cross-clausal null anaphora 435
In (81) the complement subject is coreferential with the matrix subject, in (82)
the complement post-verbal agent is coreferential with the matrix object, and in
(83) the possessor of the object of the complement clause is coreferential with
the object. As indicated in the examples, the null element is actually a null pro-
noun. Evidence for this is that an overt pronoun can occur instead, which is
fairly standard with objects and obligatory in the case of prepositional objects.
Details of the structure are given in Chapter 11 section 6.
A final instance of cross-clausal anaphora is control into adverbial claus-
es. Although cross-clausal dependency is not obligatory in most cases, the sub-
ject of an adverbial clause is frequently a null pronoun coreferential with an
argument in the matrix clause. This is illustrated in (84-87), in which the adver-
bial clauses are marked with brackets.
(84) Embuk ngetek [e bakto ___ a-caca ka guru-na].
eld.sister AV.shaky at time AV-talk to teacher-DEF
‘Big Sister gets nervous whenever she talks to her teacher.’
(85) Juko' juwa e-kakan koceng-nga [polana ___ lapar].
fish that OV-eat cat-DEF because hungry
‘The cat ate the fish because it was hungry.’
(86) Soleha a-juwal selo'-eng [sopaja ___ bisa melle kakanan].
Soleha AV-sell ring-DEF so.that can food
‘Soleha sold her ring so that she could buy food.’
(87) Ba'eng ja' endha' mole dha’ Madura ban Sumennep [mon ___
you don’t want go.home to Madura and Sumenep if
gilo' bisa ma-kala rato Blambangan].
not.yet can AV.CS-defeated king Blambangan
‘You won’t be allowed to go home to Madura and Sumenep until you
defeat the king of Blambangan.’
Each of the adverbial clauses has a null subject, and in each case it is the actor
of the matrix clause that controls its reference: Embuk ‘Big Sister’ in (84), ko-
cengnga ‘the cat’ in (85), Soleha in (86) and ba'eng ‘you’ in (87). In most cases,
a coreferential overt pronoun is always possible, as in (88), a variant of (86).
(88) Soleha a-juwal selo'-eng [sopaja aba'eng bisa melle kakanan].
Soleha AV-sell ring-DEF so.that can food
‘Soleha sold her ring so that she could buy food.’