A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Parembi'na Joko Tole 503

  1. Neng disa Pekandangan jiya badha settong oreng se a-nyama
    at village Pekandangan this exist one person REL name
    Ke Empu Kelleng.
    Ke Empu Kelleng
    In the village of Pekandangan there was a man named Ke Empu Kelleng.

  2. Lako-na ya tokang pandhi, a-gabay calo, a-gabay todhi', a-gabay
    work-DEF yes worker iron AV-make knife AV- make knife AV-make
    kerres, agabay kas-pakakas-sa oreng tane.
    kris AV-make RED-tool-DEF person farmer
    He worked as an iron worker, making knives, weapons, krises and tools for

  3. Se laen mandhi, Empu Kelleng jiya ng-obu kerbuy ce' bannya'-eng,
    REL other AV.iron Empu Kelleng this AV-raise buffalo very many-DEF
    bannya' kerbuy-ya.
    many buffalo-DEF
    Besides doing iron work, Empu Kelleng raised many buffalo.

  4. Badha kerbuy bine' pote molos, ce' berse-na, ce' bagus-sa.
    exist buffalo female white plain very clean-DEF very handsome-DEF
    Among them there was a very handsome albino female buffalo.

  5. Ajiya se paleng e-ka-lebur-i bi' Empu Kelleng,
    this REL most OV- KA-like-LOC with Empu Kelleng
    This was Empu Kelleng's favorite buffalo.

  6. Buy-kerbuy jeh ban laggu bi' Empu Kelleng e-bukka' kandhang-nga
    RED-buffalo this every morning with Empu Kelleng OV-open fence-DEF
    e-pa-buru pas ramban dha' alas entar nyare pakan dibi'.
    OV-CS-run then forage to forest go AV.seek food self
    Every morning Empu Kelleng opened the gate and let the buffalo out to go
    to the forest and forage for food for themselves.

  7. Kobasa-na Guste Pangeran koca'-eng, ka-bendher-ran kerbuy
    authority-DEF Lord say-DEF NOM-right buffalo
    bine' pote gella' gi' buru a-budu'.
    female white before still just AV-child
    Through the will of the Lord, the albino buffalo had just had a baby.

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