A History of Applied Linguistics - From 1980 to the present

(Kiana) #1


Entries inbolddenote tables; entries initalicsdenotefigures.

AAAL (American Association of
Applied Linguistics): definition of AL
26, 28, 141; linguistic landscape
symposia at 83; linguistic theories at
58 – 9; national origins of attendees 9–10;
officers of 37–8, 40–1, 44, 47; and
TESOL 8–9, 32
academic status of AL 114, 119, 134,
action/perception/evaluation 100
affectivefilter 76
Afro-Americans 13, 23
age: and language acquisition 75–6; and
leadership in AL 13–14, 23, 40; and
social media use 68
AILA (Association Internationale de
Linguistique Appliquée): congresses
of 32–3; definition of AL 26, 141;
linguistic landscape symposia at 83;
presidents of 27, 40, 44, 45;
representatives to 20
American Council on the Teaching of
Foreign Languages (ACTFL) 32
Angelis, Paul: description of AL 33;
introduction to AL 20
Anglocentrism 80, 123
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics53,
69, 116
anxiety 100–1, 103
aphasia, bilingual 9
Applied Linguistics (AL): academic
programs in 15–17; author’s history
with 2–3, 6, 136–8; between
humanities and social sciences 106; as
community of practice 135–6; critical
approaches to 66; description offield
3 – 5, 133; development of 28–31;

empiricism in 49; foundational
concepts of 63–4; getting involved in
17 – 21; influences from adjacentfields
21, 31, 71; interdisciplinarity of 134;
languages of scholarship in 9–11, 14;
linguistic sophistication in 61; new
research populations for 69–70;
origins of 1; publication data in 110,
111 , 112 , 136; relativism and
rationalism in 61–2; as scientific
discipline 138–9; sub-disciplines of
31 – 2; tendencies in definitions of
26 – 8, 33– 5
Applied Linguistics(journal): and AILA
33; articles from 51; beginning of 3,
25; changes over time in 118; and
development of AL 28; readership of
116; special issue on theory
construction 61
Applied Psycholinguistics 116
aptitude treatment interaction 126– 7
army method 1
Arts & Humanities Citation Index 106
Aspects of Language Teaching
(Widdowson) 53
Australia, national census of 82

Bachman, Lyle: becoming a tester 20;
on credibility of AL 29; and
international comparisons 70
Bailey, Kathleen: on impact of AL on
language teaching 126; and TESOL 8
Bardel, Camilla: on GG 58; on transfer
77; on use of English in academia
14 – 15
Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen 17, 61, 109,
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