A History of Applied Linguistics - From 1980 to the present

(Kiana) #1

behaviorism, and language teaching 1
bibliometrics 108, 113
BICS (Basic Interpersonal
Communicative Skills) 45
bilingual education: author’s
involvement with 3; effectiveness
of 68
bilingualism: and code-switching
95 – 6; elite 70; and multi-competence
‘Bilingualism as afirst language’(Swain)
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
116 – 17
bilingual language acquisition 74
bilingual mind 91
bilingual processing 2–3, 87,
black boxing 82, 116
book chapters: accessibility of 55;
citations of 107, 114; core 52– 3
books: citation scores for 111, 114, 119;
most important 53–5; numbers
published 55, 56
Bourdieu, Pierre 21, 38
Burns, Anne: description of AL 27, 34;
on impact of AL on language
teaching 130– 1
Bygate, Martin: on AL academic
programs 17; on conceptual
definition 64; on impact of AL on
language teaching 122; on interaction
hypothesis 74–5; on leaders 36; on
linguistics 61; on TBLT 84– 5
Byrnes, Heidi: on gender 13; language
of work 14; on leaders 37; on
psycholinguistics 29; and SFG 57

CA (conversational analysis): author’s
interest in 137; of classroom
interactions 130; and DST 76; growth
of interest in 66, 71; Kasper’s work in
31; and teacher education 85
CAF (complexity/accuracy/fluency) 61
CAL (Centre of Applied Linguistics) 48
CALL (Computer Assisted Language
Learning) 68
CALP (Cognitive Academic Language
Proficiency) 45
Canada, AL research in 20
Canagarajah, Suresh: on autonomy of
AL 31; on impact of AL on language
teaching 128; and multilingualism 78;
on research focus 30

Candlin, Chris: on learner varieties 74;
portrait of 44–5; on real world
problems 29
CDST (Complex Dynamic Systems
Theory): and bilingual processing
93 – 4; and code-switching 94–5;
criticality in 97; and individual
differences 99; main characteristics of
89 – 90; as paradigm shift 87, 136;
research questions in 100 , 101; and
timescales 101–2; use in AL 87–9;
variation and variability studies using
98 – 9
CEFR (Common European Framework
of Reference): and language teaching
128, 132; and native speakers 79–80;
publication of 83
Cenoz, Jasone, on impact of AL on
language teaching 124
China: AL work in 13; language
teaching in 130, 132
Chomsky, Noam 30, 36, 48, 57, 59– 60
citation analysis 106–8, 117–19, 136
citation scores: database of 110–11;
factors influencing 113–15; variations
in 107
citations: distribution over time 113;
false hits in 109–10; importance of
120; stray 107
Clahsen, Harald, self-definition of 12
CLIL (Content and Language Integrated
Learning): author’s involvement with
3; and language policy 81–2; and
language teaching 125, 129–30, 137;
recent interest in 70, 86;
Widdowson’s work on 42
CLT (communicative language teaching)
42, 123, 127–8, 130
Clyne, Michael, contributions to
language policy 82
co-citation analysis 117–18, 120
code-switching 90, 94–7, 103
cognition, CDST perspective on 90–2,
100, 103
Cognition(journal) 116
cognition hypothesis 64, 85
A Cognitive Approach to Language
Learning(Skehan) 54
cognitive linguistics 57, 60, 63, 77, 88
cognitive processing 2, 31, 91
cognitive psychology 7, 93– 4
cognitivism 125
Cohen, Andrew: on impact of AL on
language teaching 123; on important

146 Index

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