(Phương Nguyễn ThếHHSS8I) #1



Choose the best answer.
Question 1. Two players off the field during last Sunday match.
a. were being sent b. were sent c. were sending d. had been sent
Question 2. Don’t
to conclusion; we don’t yet know all the relevant facts.
a. run b. rush c. jump d. hurry
Question 3. “Would you like me to get you a taxi?” “. ”
a. That would be delightful. Thanks. b. Well, let’s see
c. Yes, please, if it’s no bother. d. Yes, I see.
Question 4. James: “What’s the matter?”
Anne: “

a. Nothing. b. Not at all. c. That’s all right. d. It’s no trouble.
Question 5. Psychologists have found that the number of social contacts we have only reason for
a. are not the b. is not the c. are not an d. is not an
Question 6.
pack can have as big an impact on your holiday as your destination.
a. How do you b. How you c. However you d. How did you
Question 7. It is often said that knowledge is the power, and I can not disagree with this.
a. way to b. key to c. success of d. aim at
Question 8.
the young woman was visibly very happy after the birth of her child.
a. Despite tired b. Though tired c. Tired although she was d. She was tired
Question 9. Jim’s father agreed to buy him a new bike he took lessons.
a. in case b. supposing that c. as long as d. unless
Question 10.
of the two restaurants provides facilities for the handicapped.
a. Both b. Neither c. None d. Not either
Question 11. Tom things round the house, which is annoying.
a. always leaves b. has always left c. Is always leaving d. is leaving
Question 12.
had he finished his dinner when he realized he had forgotten his wallet.
a. No sooner b. Not until c. No longer d. Scarcely
Question 13. Only three of the students in my class are girls; are all boys.
a. others b. other students c. the others d. the other
Question 14. Laurence was born in Australia, but she has spent
of her life there.
a. a little b. very little c. only a few d. a few
Question 15. You may find doing this job very . Try it!
a. relaxed b. relaxing c. relax d. relaxation
Question 16. The concert didn’t come
our expectations.
a. up against b. up with c. up to d. round
Question 17. Any opposition to the rules is .
a. tolerable b. tolerant c. intolerable d. intolerant
Question 18. So difficult
it to live in an English- speaking country that I was determined to learn
English well.
a. I felt b. did I feel c. I did feel d. I felt
Question 19. Please move the chairs the aisle. They’re my way.
a. out of – in b. under – of c. from – of d. away from – on
Question 20. __ you feel thirsty, please help yourself to the drinks over there.
a. Do b. Shall c. Should d. Would
Question 21. “Sorry, I’m late, Mike. ” - “_
a. Well, it’s worth a try. b. Not on my account. c. No, I wouldn’t mind it at all. d. That’s all right.
Question 22. It’s too late now that the holiday’s over, but I wish we
somewhere else.
a. went b. have gone c. were going d. had gone
Question 23. After visiting several areas, he realized that hunger was not only problem in that

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