(Phương Nguyễn ThếHHSS8I) #1


a. the – the b. the – a c. x – the d. x – x
Question 2 4. I would advise you this young man despite his charming manner.
a. to trust b. not trust c. not to trust d. don’t trust
Question 25. As far as I know, as a student of English you must study regularly. The more you review

a. the more meaningful the content will be b. the more the content will be meaningful
c. the content will be meaningful d. the more meaning will be the content
Find the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
Question 26. The photochemical reactions transform the light into electrical impulses.
a. conserve b. conflict c. converse d. convert
Question 27. You ought to send two hours as a minimum in the fresh air every day.
a. at most b. at all c. at least d. at ease
Question 28. He seems to make the same mistake over and over again.
a. for good b. in vain c. by the way d. repeatedly
Find the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following
Question 29. Nancy concurred with her boss about the new direction the company was taking.
a. disagreed b. agreed c. surrendered d. confessed
Question 30. "We strongly believe that he's innocent of the crime. We do not think that he did it. "
a. clean b. guilty c. faultless d. crimeless
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
Question 31. a. hope b. stop c. slope d. cope
Question 32. a. conserve b. preserve c. reserve d. observe
Question 33. a. associate b. section c. can d. clean
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
Question 34. a. tremendous b. enormous c. serious d. describe
Question 35. a. technique b. absolute c. requirement d. accomplish
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
Question 36. The effects of wind and water in rock surfaces can often cause erosion.
a b c d
Question 37. Neither of the men arresting as terrorists would reveal information about his group
a b c d
Question 38. In order to do a profit the new leisure centre needs at least 2,000 visitors a month
a b c d
Question 39. The police have been looking for a man of medium high for three days.
a b c d
Question 40. Some people prefer classical music, because others prefer rock music.
a b c d
Read the passage and then decide which word (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.
Everybody has heard about the Internet, but do you know what an “intranet” is? It is this: just as the
Internet connects people around the world, intranets connect people within a (41) company. In fact,
intranets make use of the same software programs as the Internet to (42)
computers and people. This
(43) that you do not have to buy a lot of additional programs to set up an intranet service. If your
intranets is working properly, it can link together a huge amount of (44)
which is stored in different
places in the company. In this way, people can get the information they need, regardless (45) where it
comes from. A company intranet can, of course, be used for unimportant information like office memos
and canteen menus. But an intranet should (46)
important information which people need to make
decision about new products, costs and so on. The intranet is (47) to share their information with other
people. (48)
, many departments don’t want to share their specialists knowledge with others. Another
problem which often occurs is (49) top managers like to use the intranet to “communicate down” rather
than to “communicate across”. That is, they use the intranet to give orders, not to (50)
between themselves and others working in the same organization.

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