(Phương Nguyễn ThếHHSS8I) #1


  1. a. firm b. term c. purpose d. familiar

  2. a. tongue b. young c. monkey d. tone
    Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

  3. a. justify b. enquiry c. argument d. medicine

  4. a. particular b. distinction c. material d. specialize

  5. a. innocent b. criminal c. reaction d. specialist
    Choose the best answer.

  6. __, which had been brought to Europe from China in the 15th century, helped seamen to navigate.
    a. The compass b. It is the compass c. With the compass d. That the compass

  7. I __ my best suit ;everyone else was very casually dressed.
    a. needn’t wear b. needn’t have worn c. mustn’t wear d. mustn’t have worn

  8. Everyone thought he was asleep, but when they looked closely at him, he was __
    a. widely awake b. wide-awake c. wide open d. full awake

  9. Fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas produce carbon dioxide when __.
    a. are burned b. they burned c. burned d. are they burned

  10. Dinosaurs are thought to __ millions of years ago.
    a. die out b. have died out c. having died out d. dying out

  11. It costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth __.
    a. filling b. to fill c. filled d. fill

  12. The report would have been accepted __ in checking its accuracy.
    a. if more care b. more care had been taken c. had more care been taken d. had taken more care

  13. How do you speak the fraction 2/5?
    a. two-five b. two-fifths c. second-fifths d. two-fifth

  14. Experiments __ represent a giant step into the medicine of the future.
    a. using gene therapy b. they use c. use gene therapy d. gene therapy uses

  15. I met __ at Julia’s birthday party.
    a. some of Joe’s friend b. some of Joe friends c. some friends of Joe d. some of Joe’s friends

  16. __ we drove the horses into the stable.
    a. Aware that a tornado was brewing b. Because a tornado brewing
    c. Although a tornado was brewing d. A tornado was brewing

  17. __ single person can be said to have invented the automobile.
    a. There was not a b. Nor a c. Not one of d. No

  18. Tom had a lucky escape. He __ killed.
    a. could have been b. must have been c. should have been d. had been

  19. It was __ he had gone to bed that he remembered he had some homework to do.
    a. not until b. only before c. until d. not after

  20. I’d rather you __ too much time surfing the Internet.
    a. not spend b. not to spend c. didn’t spend d. don’t spend

  21. Marie Curie was the first woman __ two Nobel prizes.
    a. who awarded b. to be awarded c. awarding d. that was awarding

  22. The house was __ badly damaged in the fire to be repaired.
    a. very b. extremely c. so d. too

  23. Tony pretended __ me when I waved to him.
    a. not seeing b. not to see c. not see d. to not see

  24. __ advised on what and how to prepare for the interview, he might have got the job.
    a. If he had b. Had he been c. Were he to be d. Unless he had been

  25. By the time Sam got home from school, his brother __ all the cake.
    a. had eaten b. has been eating c. was eating d. have eaten

  26. I’ve got an idea! I __ that tree trunk to make logs for the fire.
    a. am going to use b. am using c. will use d. am used to

  27. The manager asked his secretary to put all the contracts in different folders and order all the bills __ date.
    a. to b. up c. by d. in

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