(Phương Nguyễn ThếHHSS8I) #1


  1. The boundary between Canada and the United States has been unfortified for over one hundred years.
    a. border b. bride c. diplomatic relation d. water

  2. “Is it very hot in summer here?” - “__
    a. Yes, we have high rainfall. b. Well, it’s too late for the weather forecast.
    c. I’m sorry. I missed the weather forecast. d. Well, it depends on rainfall.

  3. __ we’ve been having.
    a. What a dreadful weather b. What dreadful weather c. How dreadful is the weather d. How dreadful
    the weather

  4. “Do you like rock music?” - “__
    a. Not quite so b. It’s not quite well c. That’s understandable d. I am not interested in them

  5. water in this glass is not good.
    a. An b. A c.
    d. The

  6. It is imperative that they arrive on time for the lecture.
    a. necessary b. suggested c. hoped d. intended

  7. Don’t make up your mind at once; __ it over with your lawyer first.
    a. discuss b. debate c. argue d. talk

  8. I don’t like the look of the men __ around outside my gate.
    a. going b. hanging c. wandering d. running
    Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting.

  9. Among the world’s 44 richest countries, there has been not war since 1945.
    a b c d

  10. All data in computer are changed into electronic pulses by an input unit.
    a b c d

  11. Despite of the pills which are available, many people still have trouble sleeping.
    a b c d

  12. The more I got to know Tom, the fewer I liked him.
    a b c d

  13. I was sad when I sold my car. I have been running it for a very long time.
    a b c d
    Choose the most suitable option to complete the passage.
    Meeting old school friends again can be a strange experience. Some have changed so much that you can
    hardly recognize them; they speak with a different (41) , are interested in different things, and all you
    can do is to make (42)
    talk and hope they’ll go soon. Others, though you might have been out of (43)
    with them for years, are just the same as they always were – it’s (44)
    if you last saw them yesterday.
    Before you know it, you’re exchanging (45) about your families and friends, and setting out the
    for another game of chess. A few change for the better. There’s one person that I get (47) with
    very well now, though we weren’t on speaking (48)
    for out last two years at school. One day, we met at
    a party and made it (49) and (50) engaged the same evening.

  14. a. language b. accent c. way d. tongue

  15. a. small b. little c. silly d. gossip

  16. a. sight b. touch c. sound d. feel

  17. a. just b. like c. so d. as

  18. a. words b. speech c. talk d. gossip

  19. a. counters b. draughts c. squares d. pieces

  20. a. on b. off c. up d. down

  21. a. relations b. terms c. situation d. condition

  22. a. on b. off c. up d. down

  23. a. came b. went c. got d. made
    Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.
    Lake Baikal, the world’s largest lake, is located in southern Siberia, in Russia. It measures 395 miles of
    coastline. The lake’s rocky basin consists of three depressions, which hold a total volume of 14,656 cubic
    miles of water, 20 percent of the freshwater in the world. The lake is also very deep, with its deepest point

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