PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1


■ ■ ■

■ A
abstract classes, 45
approximation of, in PHP 4, 46
extending, 46
representing in UML, 111
reproducing the method signature, 46
Abstract Factory pattern, 124, 457
AppConfig class, code listing, 166
benefits of, 161
BloggsCal format, class diagram, 159
BloggsCommsManager class, code listing,
Civilization-style game, handling terrains,
clone keyword, using, 162, 165
CommsManager class, code listing, 159
getContact(), 160
implementing, 159
interface, class diagram, 158
make(), creating, 161
overview of, 157
abstract keyword, 45
abstract methods, 102
accept(), 211–212
acceptance tests, 379
AccessManager class, 217–218
acquire(), 333
add command, 371–372

add(), 282–283, 290, 478
addChargeableItem(), 48
addClassroot(), 250
addClean(), 293

addDirty(), 293
addEmployee(), 147
addNew(), 293, 295
addObserver(), 333
addParam(), 102
AddSpace command, 245, 247
addTest(), 304
addToMap(), 291, 300
addUnit(), 171, 173, 176, 213
addUser(), 381, 385
AddVenue command, 245, 247, 251, 255
addVenue(), 268
AddVenueController class
associated view, 260
code listing, 259
AddVenueTest class, code listing, 397
aggregation, 114
Alexander, Christopher, 124, 126
always element, 447
anonymous functions, 66, 68
Ant, 7, 407, 436, 440
api element, 336
AppConfig class, code listing, 166
AppController class, code listing, 251
Application Controller pattern, 222
addClassroot(), 250
AddSpace command, 245, 247
AddVenue command, 245, 247, 251, 255
advantages and disadvantages of, 256
AppController class, code listing, 251
application controller, definition of, 246
classroot element, 248
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